Tuesday, December 11, 2012


So far so good. Leukemia doesn't seem to be the worry. He had an echocardiagram to rule out another heart infection, so we're praying it's not that one.

After bible study yesterday, I went to the hospital and he couldn't breathe right. They hit him HARD w/ Prednisone (risky for him) in case it was a lung thing, and he started doing well, so they are thinking it's lungs. That's good news as long as it's not GVHD (which I don't think is the case) or some weird infection he won't be able to fight because of his immune system. But that he did so well after that high dose of steroids, I think, is good news.

Keep praying tho.

Hey, maybe I can get a dog after all. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry You are both in the hospital mode. I know how hard that is since we were there last week. I'm so glad Jim is doing some what better with the prednisone. We love You. You are in our prayers. MJB & JB

Mary said...

Hi guys! I've been meaning to come on by and catch up on the blog - seems I hit it the same day that you did!

Missing you, a LOT.

Talked to ME in the last week a few times. We lost touch for almost a year or so. I had some time to catch up with her and I called when I rec'd her Xmas card.

I'm currently unemployed for the first time in 10 years. It's a little scary at times but it really pushes me to cry out to the Lord.

I've been doing a little blogging myself because of the awesome things God had been doing for me when I'm out on the river. River time is most likely done for the season.

Hey - if you ever feel like calling, I'm at
412) 407 7765

I deactivated my FB for December.

I'm praying for yinz over this recent news.

Lots of Love,

Sinner II