Sunday, December 9, 2012

In the hospital for the last time of 2012

Well, I kind of dropped the ball on my November update, so here it is.

Jim's in pain, still.

Here's is Decembers.  Jim's in pain, still.  AND now, he's in the hospital again, too. 

It was a very weird day at the hospital.  They took him right away, he went into the back right away.  He had IV within 5 minutes and blood cultures taken.  An xray within 10mnins, and the word that the xray was clean within 12 minutes.  A doctor within 15 and antibiotics within a half hour.  After about an hour, he was admitted into his room.  So, it's like, okay, Lord, this is the way we all dream ERs should be, but usually aren't, so what's up w/ this?

It got weirder, when they called Lamperski, admitted him into the cancer ward, told us that he is Neutropenic, a word we haven't heard in many year, and asked the name of his Cancer doctor.

What does this mean?  I'm thinking it's the Lord telling us it's not the time to get a dog.



Anonymous said...

praying that it just means that God has all the doctors on the ball today....are you at Passavant? Do you need anything?


Anonymous said...

I left You a message on facebook. Praying for You. "The angel of the Lord encampeth around those who fear Him and delivers them. Joe & MJB