Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday update

As of Friday....

Jim's sputum shows a rare fungal something or other, but they can't identify it.  So they want to do a bronchoscope.  They take him down, but the anesthesia (twilight) doesn't work on him and he can't go under.  Too many narcotics.  So, they do a ct scan on the spleen.  Not sure what that shows yet, except that it's enlarged, but it's always enlarged for years.  They are looking at that as the source of low platelets.  So today they are going to redo the bronch w/ an anesthesiologist.  So far Jim's blood numbers are holding steady.  I'm not sure how long they give it before they can tell if he has that bad blood disorder, but so far, it's holding.

Can anyone tell, I'm weary of these postings?  I mean, how many years of blah blah blah can one woman type about.  I guess it's better than repeating it 20 times on the phone.

So, there's the quick concise version.


Anonymous said...

I mean seriously, this is unbelievable, of course there is nothing brilliant I can say except, I will pray.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dolly lady, Thanks for posting. I know it takes energy and we all so appreciate it. You are in our prayers. Is .40:31. I'll email ya.
Love, MJB & JB

Unknown said...
