Tuesday, March 8, 2011

still in hopt.

Well, Jim is still in the hospital. However, there is a chance he may be home today. He has his pik line in, and we are awaiting news from the doctor. Jim's kidney numbers are up. (I don't like this at all) and it's probably because of the vyncomycin(sp) that he is on, but they said he HAS to be on this medicine for 6 more weeks for his heart. So...

I had my Nursing IV class. He will need 2 infusions a day of this medicine. They will take ~ 2 hours each, and I have to be super careful to follow each step and not contaminate him or touch parts or drop things or....YIKES. Jim will have to pay me for this one.

He is super bored. I am super tired (didn't sleep well) and we are still super in love. Crazy, huh?


Judy said...

Thanks for the update!!! Love, love, love your crazy love. Don't love you to be Nurse Dolly, I will pray for you! I know you can do it though!!! you da nurse.


chrissie k said...

Love, LOVE that you are super in love :). I just cried when I read his post on Facebook.... you two are QUITE beautiful, you know. An inspiration to the rest of us. An absolute inspiration. :) So loved are you!

Unknown said...

thanks Baldauffs. That encourages us.