Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back in the hospital again

Hi folks:

Yup. He's baaaaaaaack. Poor guy. And me, poor gal. K, nuf self pitty.

Well, after the trip to the ER on Saturday and finding out the heart was okay, we were happy. The doc we saw in the ER was great, thorough. No worries about the heart (still don't know why that CK number is high) but the doc ACTUALLY read Jim's history and new about the immune problems and such and did extra blood tests, including drawing blood out of the port to check for infections. Monday morning the tests came back and something was growing in all the tests. (that explains the sweats)

Jim does take antibiotic prophalactically(sp...did I get that right Leah?) to ward off blood infections and such, so I guess that was working...kinda. Anyway, they don't know what it is, possible a staph infection in the blood.

Here's what I know right now. They are making sure it's not another heart infection. Jim has the same valve problem as Ruthie, and they are checking. They are going down his throat with a scope to get a better look at his heart and they are doing some other heart things. I guess that CK number has them worried. As for the infection, they are probably going to have to take out his port. YIPPEE. I can finally lay in "my spot" without feeling that coin in his chest touching my cheek. It is surgery and he's going to have to go under and such, so pray for him for that. His platelets are high enough to do this type of surgery, so this is good. While these ports can last 12 years and on, with his immune problems, it needs to come out. Besides, it's not like he would ever get any more chemo if the cancer came back, so, out it goes. So, for now, they are doing lots of checking.

It probably really helped him that he started taking that VERY GOOD immune booster that helped with his pain, or perhaps the infection would be worse. Don't know. But the pain is still doing better. He hurts a bit more now that he's in the hospital, laying on that bed, but it's still good.

Thank you Jesus for that awesome ER doctor, higher level of platelets and that despite our life being extremely tough, your grace has enabled me to NEVER turn away from You. After all, You are my everything.

Keep praying folks
(no poetry needed...tee hee hee)


Judy said...

What hospital is Jim in this time? Do you need some company? We are praying for you tweety pie, and would like to come visit.

Love you,

John and Leah said...

Pretty close..."prophylactically."

Love you both. Praying daily.

Unknown said...

Sorry Judy. Just checked back. Thanks for the prayers. Passavant.

Thanks Leah.