We both really need some fervent prayer.
On our way to the NIH yesterday, a bit past New Stanton, the engine light went on again. 5 miles later, our transmission blew. We had to be towed all the way home. It made the journey extra long and tiring. There is no money to repair that hunk of tin or buy a new one. I am so done with all of this.
So, we try for some help. The gentleman at church that could help was on vacation. His replacement wasn't at his phone. There wasn't a rental car available anywhere in the City, including the airport. Our brother in the Lord who would have helped, Mr. Flowers, was getting a colonoscopy today, so he was unavailable to help, our son lives out of town, MJ and Joe's car would have taken 2 hours to get to, and it has over 200 K miles and we weren't sure if it would have been comfortable for Jim, and the other was a stick shift. I'm too old for that. So, we took the truck. BAD MOVE. It's so small, and every crack feels like a pothole, and poor Jim was in so much pain by the time we got there, he was in tears. You can't even move your feet, it's so small. I was in tears and pain as well. Turns out that "bite" in my back is SHINGLES, and I am in extreme pain. I can barely wheel him around, so I need prayer.
Last night Jim and I felt so very alone. VERY alone. And in many ways we are. I basically no longer have any friends, at least the kind that can pick you up when down. I guess I understand that. Too needy for too long = bye bye, particularly since the enemy of our souls fills the pages of our lives with things we deem important, that arent necessarily so. And the only way to find that out is to walk our path, so.... That WAS NOT for condemnation of anyone, but to let you know where we are at and how we need prayer.
I told Jim last night that I can no longer do this. And I felt so bad about that. I'm all he has, as well. As I crawled on my knees to get to the suitcase that was in the back of the bed of the truck, I heard something pop. (shhh, don't tell Jim.) I'm not sure if it was my back or my sanity. We are a mess, and so very tired of it all.
I told Jim today. "I'm just telling satan that I am going to lead bible study for the rest of my life, this way he knows he's defeated and he'll leave me alone already." Problem is, I might have to hitchhike to church, and he's been at my heals forever, so what gives?
Well, Jim has to get a CT scan of his sinuses, so I have to go. Please pray for us.
I'm at a loss for a way to help. This is no time to think that prayer is inadequate for your situation, so we will pray.
Maddy& Sam
We have an extra vehicle that you are welcome to use for as long as it takes to get your situation resolved. If I had thought you were coming back home or were already back home when you posted the other day, I would have offered it then. Sorry, I thought you were already there!
We continue to pray for you multiple times per day. I can only surmise that God is saying "just a minute". And we all know how long one of God's minutes can be. Hang in there! Some day you will look back on this time as... precious and valuable, I hope? In the mean time please let us know how we can help.
Love, Tom and Judy
I take exception to that, but I won't hold it against you. I think a lot of people would have helped you with the car and many other things because we love you. If they don't know, they can't help. So, give your friends a little more credit dear Gloria. You could have even called me and I would have called every person in my old NPC directory until I found a spare car. As far as everything else, I'm very sorry you hit another valley. You remain in our prayers. We love you both very much.
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