Friday, September 18, 2009

Feeling better emotionally

Hi everyone:

I'm sorry for the "emotional" vomiting I did online. It's weird. This blank white page is often the only "person" I talk to. I actually have to much more to say to "you" white page, but I know there are people behind it who read it that I love and don't want to hurt, etc. But really, I'm thinking of getting rid of the cell phone. The only people that call are my sister, and she can find me anywhere, and Passavant, because my dad's in the hospital. They seem to find me, too.

But this blog entry isn't about feeling lonely right now. I'm not. I'm kind of ecstatic in some ways because the Lord has been very close to me in talking to me and answering prayer for others, as well as my self.

Anyways, Emotionally I feel better. Jim, too. We're home, so that's good right off the start. The ride home injurious, at best, but it will be the last one in the truck.

My shingles are killing me. I feel bad that I haven't had more sympathy for others when they've been afflicted with them. They are terrible. Anyway. Jim is doing better. They took a CT scan of his sinuses, but we don't know what the results are because they are treating him for sinus infection anyway. They think his lungs are okay. We would have rather had an Xray of the lungs, but, they were more concerned with sinuses, so....? His blood was low in red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and his protein was low, and creatinine high, but the docs think that's the way it will be for him because his bone marrow has been so damaged from all the chemo. I can't get enough protein in him, so that's weird. But all in all, he's okay. He saw the pain team, and they are trying another type of neuropathy medicine.

I'm ready to go with Bill's Iodine, myself. :)

Amy, had you not lived in Virginia, I might have called you. I mean, come on. You thank God for broken windows. :) Jim and I were in such a state those 2 days. We were both in so much pain and just felt so distraught and lonely. I have to tell you though, it wasn't meant toward you or K or new friends at church. There are people that I have loved and walked with for 10, 11, 12, 13...+ years that...I will call you. I felt bad that you thought that I would think you weren't one to care.

I would like to write more, but I can't. We're home and I've got to unload, unpack, etc. And I can't take pain medicine because it makes me violently sick.

Anyways, thanks for your prayers.

Hi Ken and Lorainne....

(real quickly... I said hi to those guys because they read the blog faithfully. She has beat cancer 3 times, and this totally knocks my socks off, but they're in their 80's. I love it.

You guys are soooooooooo way cool. Surfing the net, reading blogs in your 80's. Oh, if you don't want anyone to know how old you are, I hope I didn't blow it. Oh geeze.

They look like they are in their late 60's, early 70's. Amazin'


John Baldauff said...

Sorry I was actually on my bike (riding really fast) when you called me. I will call you tomorrow and perhaps kick your butt online at some Carcasonne?

leah joy said...

mom, DO NOT let him kick your butt. he's got nothin...

PS: I love you.
