Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hissy Fit's Over

Hi Everyone:

Okay. My hissy fit is over now. I'm on to new and improved hissy fitting situations.

When I first started walking with the Lord, my friend use to call my mentor and say, "emotionally Gloria is all over the place. She's saying she's never going to church any more, that she's angry with God, that I.... My mentor used to tell her. Relax. She's fussing. She says that, but what she does is more important, and she always ends up doing the right thing. And I did. But I always wanted to behave properly and then do the right thing. I just couldn't. I was like this pendulum swinging to and fro. fast forward 16 years, and I've finally FINALLY made some ground on this. Actually this whole thing with Jim was the catalyst that worked that out in me. (it's worked other things, too,) but my tongue is more tamed, and my thoughts more in line, and blah blah blah. BUT NOT 2 DAYS AGO. So....back up that slippery slope. :) I'm sure you forgive me. If you don't. Well, then....

:-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, look, I didn't it again. ;)

Well, no news yet on my sister's condition.

Jim's cold is doing okay. I think the supplements have really helped him to be able to handle the common cold.

This is funny. I visited my dad yesterday (today is not so funny. He ripped out his IV, they want to change his pysch meds, and we're fighting with them to not, and can't get in touch with social worker yada yada yada...but yesterday it was funny...) so, he's doing well, and I brought him some honeydew and watermellon, and he ate the whole container. Nice size, too. So, he takes his teeth out and hands them to me. I know what that means. So I clean them up. Then he wants something else to eat. So, I went to get him some jello, and he's trying to eat it with a fork, he gives me that look that says, "Give me a break." And says. "Meat." It was just so funny. So, I went and got him a burger and fries and he ate it all. This was an hour after lunch.
Anyway, we're looking into some home health nurse or hospice or something for my dad, because hospital stuff just isn't working at all. It will be better for my dad.

Today, I didn't go to the gym, so I told myself, when I don't go to the gym, I'm going to have to spring clean a room. So, here it is autumn, and I chose the bathroom, since it's the smallest room in the house. :) Well all I know is, the gym is easier. And what is it with supplies? Scrubbing bubbles, doesn't scrub. Mildew melter, doesn't melt. Mold off, doesn't off. Wall cleaner doesn't clean, window washer doesn't wash. chrome shiner doesn't shine... IT'S ALL ME...

Now, mind you, my bathroom wasn't all that bad, but it makes for more flavorful prose if I add some drama. (like I need more drama)

But here's the funny thing that I really feel and mean. If one person uses that bathroom, I'll scream. Don't wash your hands, used the toilet, shower or even look in the mirror....

That's what makes housework so horrible. You do the same thing for 20 some years and you have to redo it over and over and over again.

Well, thank you for your prayers.

I only know if you read this blog if you tell me that you do. I added a counter, but I lost the password many moons ago, and don't care or have the time to look and see, but thanks cause I know it means you still care.


Kristen said...

Now that you're warmed up...how 'bout doing my bathroom? :-)

Dan Baldauff said...

Hi Jim and Dolly, I'm sorry things were so stinky over the weekend. I don't know- what can You say. I love You and it really bothers me that this is happening like it is. ---Joe left for 4 days to India and back Friday. Is that nuts or what? I'll be glad to get him back though. I'm eating chocolate chip cookies and having milk. It helps. This is my prayer for You both. Ps.86: "Shew me a token for good that they which hate me may see it and be ashamed:because Thou Lord hast holpen me and comforted me"--- It actually says holpen in the KJV. Holpen us o Lord!!MJB

Anonymous said...

Boy am I ever glad you are feeling somewhat better... Brian was threatening to send you poetry! LOL You sure do have a lot going on Gloria. We still keep you in our prayers. I wish life was different and you could come over and teach me how to garden, play Settlers, watch Princess Bride, etc. etc.

John Baldauff said...

at least no one (you, dad, nun, pap) has H1N1!!!

Anonymous said...

K - Oh, aren't you funny, Kristen. LOL. Yeah, you actually are. I enjoy that so much.

MJ. Amen. Holpen us Lord.

Amy, you're funny, too.

JOHN...you're married to a medical student. What is H1N1

John and Leah said...

swine flu