Thursday, September 10, 2009

Great Day!!!

Hi Everyone:

Hey you loving and funny friends, I responded to your responses in my last post, just so you know.

Today was actually a great day for both of us. After a long talk last night and setting some self boundaries and stuff, I got up and studied God's word for about 4 hours. What a treat that is. Sometimes I feel like that move Yentle or whatever it was. I wish in life we could do whatever we wanted.

And Jim was feeling better today too. He has a better day or 2 every once in a while, and today it was it. He had a great prayer time, and he actually started to build shelves in our basement. He cut, measured and screwed 7 pieces of wood. And I helped. He said he worked 2.5 hours and most of it was sitting. Oh, he's in pain right now and tired as can be, but it made him feel soooooooooooo good to be able to do something manly around the house. Mark and I got the wood yesterday. I think we went through a 4 foot wide by 4 foot high stack of 2 X 4's.

Oh, and I found 11 DOLLARS IN THE DRYER as I folded clothes. Jim said it was his, despite there being no pants of his in the dryer. As I opened the dryer to fold a few more pieces, I then found another 20 DOLLARS. Yahoo. That's 31 dollars in the dryer. Then I kept opening and closing it, thinking maybe God had found a new way to multiply my money. LOL.

I was so excited to put the next load from the washer to the dryer. Maybe there was some in there, too. Ehhh, but I only found a quarter. But you know what....that felt good, too.



Dan Baldauff said...

I'm going down to the washer and dryer right now!!! MJB.- Joe is on the ground in Pgh. at this moment. Amazing-India to Pgh. Much love to you guys and I'm so glad You both had a good day. Jesus is so wonderful. MJB

John and Leah said...

can you do my laundry? i think you have the touch.

Kristen said...

I'm doing my laundry at your house...I'll be over tomorrow...EARLY :-)!

The Tom Jr's said...

I'd be willing to put $10 in your laundry every day if it meant reading posts like this! Love you guys!

leah said...

tom is way too sweet.