Sunday, August 16, 2009

Life goes on

Hi Everyone:

We had such a nice time at the cottage. A really nice time. (Sorry I missed that call MJ on Saturday, or I would have LOVED to have gone tubing with you.)

Anyway, the weather was wonderful, and we didn't do anything big or huge. Mostly bird watching and riding the golf cart all around the creation. Mary Joe and Joe visited us and helped us tremendously with cutting the grass and such, and we had a delicious dinner together.

It was hard not feel a bit sad that I was enjoying myself while June was feeling like I was feeling last year.

My great nephew was born. 3 pounds 12 oz. Preemie, but he's okay. Praise God. So, life goes on and where it stops, nobody knows...

We are off to the NIH this Wednesday. This is Jim's 6 month PET scan and bunch of other tests. Jim's fingernails are falling off and he's still in pain of course, but as I said, life goes on.

I'll report back later. ;)


Judi said...

Hi Uncle Jim and Aunt Dolly,

So glad you finally made it to the cottage. It sounds like you were able to forget about real life for awhile, that's good.

I will definately be praying much harder on Wednesday for you and Uncle Jim. Is there a chance for all these symptoms to get better or go away? I'm praying they will.

I love you both. Be at peace.


Anonymous said...

Hi Judi:

Thank you. It was nice to experience "real life" for a weekend.

Thanks for your prayers, too. In the medical community, it's not probable that Jim's condition will get better.

So, we're just waiting on the Lord. It wasn't probable that his cancer would ever go in remission either, so...

We love you, too.