Sunday, July 12, 2009


Jim's dental appt. went fine. We are home.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear it...when we didn't hear an update, we were starting to get worried.

Hope you have time to rest and relax for a bit...

If you guys are able to go to church next week, there is a women's luncheon afterward. If you want to go, and I haven't gone into labor, I can take you home if Jim is driving okay.


Anonymous said...

That's good news. You must be beat. Wish we could come by for another chat and maybe some of that amazing flan.

Love you,

Rachel said...

I'm all sad knowing that I won't be able to visit you. But that's probably better for you. I don't think it is good to have out of state visitors when you've been through so much.

Loving you and mission you!