Wednesday, July 15, 2009


What beautiful weather we have been having. I have been really enjoying the yard.

Jim, unfortunately cannot be in the sun and feels like a prisoner to the house, but he is handling it very well. I know he misses fishing and walking and birding. He just loves the outdoors.

We have to go to the NIH in 2 weeks again. I really really REALLY struggle with this. It takes about 4 days for me to feel unfunked, and then before we know it, it's time to go again. They said that we can possibly start going once every month after that. So, we shall see.

Jim neuropathy continues to cause him a great deal of pain. Last night he had to take some breakthru pain meds it was hurting so bad. His chest was numb, and he even feared that he wouldn't be able to breathe. But he's breathing and here, so this is good. :)

I am doing a lot of praying and seeking God in this time, and his faithfulness to be there to listen to me and love me thru it is amazing.

I guess you've noticed I've slowed down a bit in my writing. I think I found that I was writing more for you, than for me, and while I love you, I have so many unmet needs, and me sitting here typing isn't getting them done.

My time is very limited because of all the responisibilities I have, so my phone time, e-mail time, and blog time is very limited. That doesn't mean we don't desire to have an ongoing ALIVE relationship with you, so feel free to write on the blog, drop an e-mail, plan a visit or call. But if we don't respond right away, it's only because we are...well, living. It's different, but it's life.

Here's HOW different it is.

Most of you know that Jim can sing and has a beautiful voice. But he has never sang in public. The Lord began a work in Jim more than 2 years ago, but alas sickness got in the way of some of the outward changes that began in Jim inward. But as he's getting more energy (And he really is....It's just the darn numbness robbing him now) I am seeing the outward changes that would have taken place. And here is one of them. And this is so funny.

My neice graduated and had a grad party that we went to on Sunday. (Sorry, Mike, but we got home late Friday night from the NIH, and had to unpack and Jim was too tired to make it to your party on Sat.) Anyway, my brother Bob and his wife Janice had a party for Marlaina, and we went. He sat in the shade, ate a nice meal, and WAS THE THIRD PERSON to get up and sing Karaoki. And it was in front of a motley crew if I ever saw one. Christians, fence riders, bikers, students from the performing art school, aunts, kids, cousins, and many unknowns. We were the last from my family to leave, and that's only because Jim was having too much fun Karaoking. Again, not only is this amazing considering Jim's past 2 years, but Jim's whole past life.

Anyway....Well, our pastor is on his way for a visit, and I'm sitting here in muddy gardening clothes, so I better run.

It was nice sharing something different with you.

Love us


Anonymous said...

Jim was awesome at the karaoke. me and sister we need wittle help to be as good as him but was alot of fun to do.
love to you both

Kelly said...

It was nice to enjoy you both at the party, you both looked wonderful, and so so happy. Uncle Jim is a great singer, that was the first time I've ever heard him. We are going to attempt a 're-do'... and have the karoke back for Labor Day, plus some dancing on the back patio... rest up so you're ready. ;)

Love you both, enjoy your visit.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you're out and about...and LIVING! Never apologize for that. Sorry I've been out of commission. I haven't been feeling well and keep hoping for labor (to no avail)...hopefully we'll have news soon, and you can hold the newest Matthew Joe. If you have time, feel free to call, but don't worry if you can't. We WILL catch up soon!


Unknown said...

K & K - yeah, the Karaoki was fun, and that sounds super fun to have another party with more and some dancing. Count us in. :)

K - I'm sorry you were sick again. Boy, I pray a year of no sickness for any of you there.

PS Your name doesn't have to start with a "K" to post here.

Unknown said...

K & K - yeah, the Karaoki was fun, and that sounds super fun to have another party with more and some dancing. Count us in. :)

K - I'm sorry you were sick again. Boy, I pray a year of no sickness for any of you there.

PS Your name doesn't have to start with a "K" to post here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria and Jim,

I enjoyed your update. I wish I could have heard Jim sing. We are getting closer to unpacked. It's starting to look like a home. We have nice neighbors, including a family of cows seven doors down (a farm). We have already visited the cows four times to feed them our fruit and veggie scraps. At the same farm, there are yummy ripe blackberries free for the picking.
