Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Now this is a glimpse of heaven here. For those readers who don't know her. She's my HONEY BEE. She's my great niece. She calls me "scoopin honey" cause when I see her, I sing. "IIIIIIIIIIIIIII'm scooping up my baby HONEY BEE. Then I run and scoop her up to kiss that face. She's so much fun. She probably thinks I'm nuts.

Is this a glimpse of my grandchildren? My mother had flame red hair and most of the grandkids have a touch of the red hair to being fully red. But the great grandchildren are flamers. :)

Anyway, Happy 4th of July.

I need to start 20 blogs. Not that I would have the time to write on them. But I need Jim's jabberings, which have turned into my jabberings. I need one entitled "My musings" "It's NIH or bust" "The saga of the lawn ornament lady" Etc... But I'll just toss it all in here.

Jim is doing soooooooooooooo well. It's unbelievable. Every day he gets stronger and stronger and stronger. He says that if it wasn't for the neuropathy.... Yesterday he made me my fave cookies, biscotti. He's just doing very well. And he's very happy. And he's praying for me. I would love to take him to Minnesota or whereever he wants to go, but it is all very early. He's just jumping at the bit, a bit. Jim is talking about Disney and birding and is excited to see people and go to church, etc. All of that makes causes me to have tremors. I understand why he's excited. He's living. HE'S ALIVE!!! I don't know what is wrong with me. I'm so afraid. I feel like isolating for the rest of my life. My thinking is all messed up. I'm beat. I'm afraid to hope. I know ultimately our hope is in God alone. And yet it's so very normal to want our kids to live, our husbands to live and to be in ministry, etc. Yet, I'm too afraid to hope that Jim will, that I'll ever see my grandkids and have a relationship with them, that I'll be okay, that I'll serve the Lord some day in a way that doesn't involve illnesses. It's all very irrational I suppose, but it's where I"m at.
The yard ornament lady is causing grief. I actually like her. She's very nice. I would love to get to know her so that I could tell her about Jesus. She lives with her boyfriend, but her windowsill is covered with St. Joseph and Mary statues. She needs me. :) BUT. The forsythias she cut down has caused even a bigger problem. Not only does it look like crap, but now their fires that they have 2 or 3 times a week....the shrubs don't block the smoke and flows....right into our bedroom. Jim didn't get to sleep until 4 a.m. We had to bring the air filte from downstairs upstairs just so we could breathe. Thank the Lord we didn't need the AC because we have window AC in our window and we wouldn't have been able to turn it on. I don't know what to do. I can hear them more, which is fine, but they drop the F bomb one too many time or turn up Led Zepplin, I might be tempted to fly threw those standing sticks of what used to be forsythias now now...I wouldn't do that. I'll probably just sit her and cry. It's what I do now.
Yesterday I was listening a bit to "drive thru history", and they sure make me wish we were celebrating the birthday of the United States that this country was supposed to be.
Check them out. It's great stuff. I think I'm going to order the American series. All I ever learned about history in school was how to make the Peechee folder stand up so that I could sleep behind it.

Remember Peechee folders?

Talk to you later.


Rachel said...

Happy Fourth of July my friend. Your "Honey Bee" is one of the most adorable children that I've ever seen. (mine withstanding!) I'm serious every time I see a picture of her she just gets cuter and cuter. Wish I could hug her too!
Well, we have our traditional plans of walking to the Loveland small town celebration at North Lake Park and square dancing and then walking back home for our picnic and then walking back etc. We end the day by watching fireworks with our neighbors in the street in front of our house. It's one of my favorite days because of all the down home things that we are able to do. Plus, being close enough to walk back and forth to and from the festivities really makes it nice.
I've been having so many "fantasies" about the possibilities of the kids and I joining Gary at his mom's memorial service (the family has mentioned getting us all out there but nothing concrete as of yet) and the thoughts of flying into Pittsburgh rather than Philadelphia and being able to at least say hello and see your flowers in person and give you a hug. I know I'm probably just dreamin but last night I couldn't sleep for thinking about the possibilities.....who knows!
Well, we love you both and are eternally grateful for your friendship. All our love! Rachel and family

Judi said...

Happy Fourth of July! We took the girls to fireworks. We had to sit in the minivan because they were both sort of terrified, but sort of thought they were cool. Abbie was more scared than Ellie, and Ellie actually got bored toward the end and then terrified again at the grand finale! What a trip.

Your Honey Bee looks like she should belong to me! She is sweet!

Your neighbor sounds horrific. Maybe the Lord wanted to make sure you knew she was there because He wants you to witness to her. I'm sorry she's causing you grief. When you live beside someone, you're stuck!

Praise God Uncle Jim is doing so well! Praise God! I'm praying daily for both of you. Haven't forgotten you. I'll pray the Lord will let you release all the negative feelings you're feeling. Quite normal after what you've been through, but it would be nice to get rid of them. I love you both.
Be at Peace.


Anonymous said...

This might be a stupid question, but couldn't you plant new forsythia bushes on your side of the property line?

Just a thought.

Glad to hear that Jim is making progress in some areas.

maddy and sam

Anonymous said...

I could Maddy. But I don't want to be rude right away. They are cleaning up very nicely, it's just not my kind of thing. And if I did want to be rude, I'm too tired to dig holes and plant shrubs.

We'll get a fence eventually.