Thursday, June 11, 2009

hi temp

Well the CT scan shows nothing (which of course is very good news, not that we thought the cancer was back, but it's still reassuring). His temp went up to 102 last night and I finally demanded he take tylenol. His kidney numbers were way high and he didn't want to take any. They gave him a bag of hydration while at the day hopt., and they took tons of blood. They have to find something. My guess is the tooth is infected. They did everythin from Lymes to Swine to West Niles, I think. Then I told them that he drank the water up the cottage, and it's well water and never been tested. So, that includes a bunch of tests. But we've never gotten sick and the water is delicious, so....we shall see. But he's misserable.

Thanks for your prayers. Nice to hear from you 3. :) MJ, TELL ME ABOUT THE TRAFFIC ON THE BELTWAY. Now you know why it sometimes took 3 hours for a 1 hour drive. Accidents every morning. Sheesh.


Rachel said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad the temp isn't the return of cancer! About the water, maybe with his lowered immunse system his body can't handle the natural bacteria. It's been my experience that a body who has been through tons of chemo cannot handle the bacteria in every day water (or life) that the rest of us can handele. I don't know how it works for someone with a stem cell transplant. Maybe Jim's brother has never been to the cottage so his immune is not accostomed the the water! :-) Well, I love you my friend! Sorry you had to walk through this but praise God the there is no cancer!
love to you!

Anonymous said...

We are glad too to hear no cancer...I hope you are getting some rest and that you found a reasonable hotel.

I hope they can get that fever down quickly and get you home!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sister, I opt to come online for update instead of calling you back. If you need me call. I know you talked to Mark.
I am very thankful the "C" isnt back. Tell Jim we love him.
You hanging in there Sister?
It's raining hard now.
Call if you need me.
love to you both

Anonymous said...
