Monday, May 25, 2009

last day in Maryland

So, we took the kids to Rita's, and now we're packing. Well, I'm packing. Jim is looking covetously at the computer.



Anonymous said...

Hello, so did you get black cherry icie? I want ya ya's!

I have a shopping list ready you never emailed me so I'm gonna wing it. You mentioned hot dog some type of salad so ya getting macaroni it's done and chillin.
Zima's are on Daddio.

He was really good and I told him you were coming home and that I was gonna bring him out there and and I asked him where'd him and mum
get the nickname Shunul/Shucnk.

I just can't stand it having Mark bring over joe n geri's so the evening goes faster and I can go to sleep and wait for you guys to come home TOMORROW.

You two have been on a miraclous journey. I thank you for sharing it with me here on the blog. Ok now I'm gonna go have a happy cry.
I love you both and cya tomorrow.

ps call me when gps gives you a time you'll be home LOL. got to love that thing. Drive carefully and Jimbob bucke up!

i'm so siked!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you heavenly Father for this day and all the days that our prayers, cries, and praises during this journey,for brave men and women who served our country and keep us free, give Jim and Dolly safe journey home. Amen!

Rachel said...

Hello Dear Friend! I am so happy for you. I wish I could be there to greet you. but of course your probably glad that I'm not. I know you just want to collapse in your own home, with your wonderful husband, and just chill for awhile.
I love you!
PS. I STILL wish I could be there to greet you! ;-)