Saturday, May 23, 2009

FINALLY HOME - a taste of heaven

There is a wonderful christian radio station down here that plays all types of popular christian music, and I am loving I sit in traffic hour after hour after hour. Anyway, there is a song by Mercy Me called "Finally Home." And I love this song. But one particular morning I listened to the lyrics and it dawned on me that I never thought of heaven as my home. I've called it home, have wanted to go there, and it's my source of hope, but this particular morning I had a taste of heaven as my home. It may have only been a molecules worth on my taste bud, but it was delightful.

I want to go home soooooooooooooo bad. I'm getting excited like a kid at a candy store. And this morning when I heard those words, I thought about not heaven, but Pittsburgh, and the yearning and hearts tugs and desire for home...there was just such a longing. AND IN THAT MOMENT GOD GAVE ME A TASTE OF DESIRE FOR MY HEAVENLY HOME. If I'm this excited to go home to Pittsburgh with my goofy neighbors, brick house that needs repointing with tumbling chimneys, gravel driveway, all I could imagine is how great it will be to go FINALLY HOME to be with Jesus my new neighbor, and my my bros and sis' who are made perfect, and not gravel driveways, but streets paved of Gold, and not brick homes that need help, but mansions.

:) Anyway after Rancy Alcorn's book about heaven, and then desiring home (my home here) so badly, and now "feeling" that heaven is my home, man....I really got it made in the shade. Life is good.

Anyway, just thinking.

3 more days.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sister, totally have to agree with you about that song.
Left Joe message about dropping off a load of your stuff that Jesse has.
See you soon. love and miss you both.xo

Finally Home
I'm gonna wrap my arms around my daddy's neck
And tell him that I've missed him.
And tell him all about the man that I became
And hope that it pleased him

There's so much I want to say
There's so much I want you to know

When I finally make it home
When I finally make it home

Then I'll gaze upon the throne of the King
Frozen in my steps
And all the questions that I swore I would ask
Words just won't come yet

So amazed at what I've seen
So much more than this old mind can hold


And the sweetest sound my ears have yet to hear
Voices of the angels

mary jo said...

It's late but I wanted You to know I'm thinking of You. You are coming home-can you believe it!!! God is amazing! You guys are amazing too and we love you and welcome You back to the Burgh. MJB& JB