Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I ahhhh, kind of don't know what to say, we all were so happy about what I wrote before. I just got off the phone with Jim, and I'm sitting here at 10:30 ready to jump out of my skin. He talked to his doctor and the doctor said according to the blood tests, Jim is 85 percent engrafted. That means it is HIGHLY unlikely that he will lose this transplant, that his body won't reject it. Which is great news. So, then, Jim says to the doctor, "but I'm still scared about the cancer coming back." The doctor said. Don't worry about it................I expect the cancer to come back. You're cancer is very hard to cure. We got plans, we'll do another transplant or more chemo....WHAT?????????????????

And then I'm silent and Jim wants to know what's wrong. Uh, geeze, Hon.... Nothing. I thought there was a 20 to 50 percent chance you would make it beyond 6 months, not 6 weeks. Um, I only thought I would have to live out of a suitcase for a few more months, not a few more years. um, I'm fighting for my life, too, you know. Um.... The words, "I expect" it to come back are no where near the 20 percent chance they spoke of before. And it doesn't line up with 3 more months away from home, either. What they should have said was, "we think it will be almost zero percent chance the cancer won't come back, but we can prolong his life, but you'll be living in and out of this hospital and lodge and hotels for the rest of it. I would have still done it, but NOT IN FREAKING DENIAL OF HAVING ANY QUALITY OF LIFE.

I'm so sick and tired of all of this. I think we need to just move here and sell the house. Seriously. I can't live like this. I'm already counting the days before we can go home, and Jim's not even out of the hospital yet. And now this???? "You'll have to live here 4 months after the transplant" is not even CLOSE to how long we'll be here if they "expect" the cancer to come back. I'm so damn angry. "We'll do another SCT??????" Oh, really. And what.... you think you might have wanted to mention that little fact tous before we asked a 60 some year old man who lives in the mid west, on his way to retirement to participate? "Oh, by the way Bob, you'll be coming here the rest of your life, too." Oh, and you'll have to give yourself more shots, and give us more cells. And you'll have to go home exhausted and fly in and fly out and fly in and fly out ...Come on, people. That's just not fair. Give people the whole deal.

Sorry to get you all excited folks. It was nice to hear from Mary and John, and Johnny and Leah want to go biking, and....WELL, EXCUSE ME, BUT THAT STUFF IS FOR NORMAL PEOPLE. People with lives. So, no. I'm not going bike riding. I try to ride a bike to get exercise, and 3 weeks past before it happens again. I try to do a bible study, and 2 weeks pass before I unpack it from the suitcase, you know, the suitcase that is constantly opening and closing as I carry it in and out of places.

Oh, I'm so damn mad, if I weren't at Bob and Shelley's, I would probably be throwing china right now. And I've never done that.

Oh, and just for toppers, Jim's surgery will be tomorrow at 8 a.m. or Friday. What's that? Geeze, pick a day already... Oh, wait, why pick a day???? Nothing ever happens the way they say it anyway.


And you know what. This isn't the first time I've posted their BS they have given to me, to have to change it and change it and change it. So, I'm done. I'm sick of reporting something and it changing to something else and it changing to something else.

The end.


Anonymous said...

As far as I remember this is what the doctor said to me today. I asked him what if the cancer comes back and he told me not to worrry and that it was his job to worry so that if it did come back he would already have a plan in place. He also said that there was a good chance that my cancer would come back and even expected it to come back. In my mind this is in agreement with everything that I heard before. a 20 to 50% cure rate is the same as a 50% to 80% chance that the cancer will come back. That is a pretty good chance of it coming back wouldn't you say. This is nothing new to me. Hope makes it feel like your chances are much higher and when you hear the other side it is quite scary. But God is in heaven and is watching over us and has a plan for our lives. I'm trusting in Him for the best.


Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...
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Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...
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Anonymous said...

Dolly and Jim, I just got my computer back . What a distressing blog to come back to . What can anyone say or do that can make you feel some hope?Why does God allow you to go through so much? Better yet why does He think you can handle this? Jesus can, we know ! but do we really trust Him ? Do we really have a choice? read REV 1:12b-19. Our Jesus is glorified now. Full of authority ,wisdom and His eyes can pierce thru our pretences. his feet give us stability, a firm foundation and security.When He speaks,He will be heard !He is awesome to behold.We should feel convicted and secure.A genuine vision of Jesus Christ results in awe-inspired worship and surrender-as if you have any choice!-while His word 1020brings reassuring peace. Dolly and Jim, you need to be desperately in the Word even as it makes you question Jesus' faithfulness in your situation. love ,Junie

Rachel said...

Dear Friends and family of Jim and Dolly,

I have read these latest blogs and I am troubled for my dear friend Dolly. I think what I “hear” her saying is despite the intensity of her love for Jim and her devotion to him that she cannot walk through this again. She is despairing the thought of losing her beloved husband but she is physically and emotionally unable to continue to carry this burden. I believe as her husband, her friends, her family, her son, daughter, her church members, that we need to stand beside her and either, pick up the burden for her or allow this to be the very last major treatment that Jim accepts. The Bible says in Galatians to carry our own burden and then three or four verses down it says that we should carry each other’s burdens! Which is it? In the Greek the first word for “burden” is carrying your own load. In today’s terminology it would be said something like, “Carry your own backpack. Don’t expect someone else to come along and carry your backpack for you.” (I live in Colorado what can I say?  ) But the subsequent word for burden in Greek is a totally different word meaning an overwhelming burden that no one possibly could carry on their own. In other words the second word for burden is different in Greek and means has an idea similar to a backpacking group climbing Everest and one member has fallen down a 500 foot drop and barely is alive. The rest of the group not only carries his backpack for him but carries him down the mountain in their arms. Dolly is the second man. She needs her loved ones to carry her down the mountain. She needs some one to tell her that she will have time to rest and recover before being asked to climb Everest again. Her numb feet need to thaw out. Her broken bones need to heal. The blood gushing out of her side needs to stop bleeding before someone tells her to climb the mountain again. In other words, if it is God’s will and man’s will that Jim continue non-stop treatment then others need to carry the burden and let the wounded mountain climber rest and heal. If no one can do this then, if the cancer comes back, everyone needs to rest in God’s love mercy and salvation and allow Jim to go home to his savior.

We all are praying that the cancer doesn’t come back and invade Jim’s body. We all are so desperate to see Jim and Dolly happily at the cottage bird watching, fishing, and taking side trips on their golf cart. But right now Jim is not the only one in need. Dolly is the backpacker that has fallen down Mount Everest. She needs to be released from the thought of climbing the mountain again as the blood is pouring from her wounded body. She is lying down in the 500 foot ravine and crying out for help. If we ignore her cries we will not only lose Jim but we will lose Dolly as well. She needs to be carried. If we cannot carry her we need to rest in the sovereignty of God and trust solely trust God with Jim’s life or Jim’s death.

All my love

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

I like what Jim said here. The information wasn't really new, just worded differently. Like Gloria, I was shocked at what the doctor said and then I read the logical manly words of Jim and I thought, "Oh yeah, we're not saying anything different here." Hope and 20 to 50 percent aren't gone. Is the glass half empty or half full? For us, half full; for the doctor at that particular moment, half empty. Truly, for us, our cups overflow because of Jesus. I hope you are feeling better today Gloria. We continue to pray for you both.

Amy (for the Smiths)

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry...When I read the blog (I'm a few days behind right now), I felt sick. I can't feel but I can imagine what you're feeling right now, and I want to help you as I can (which I realize sounds trite being this far away).

For now, I will pray...and ask you to continue to seek a little time for yourself each day. I pledge to try to get back in my Bible Study daily, and each day I'll pray that you're finding time for that as well.

I miss those ol' Tuesday morning sessions we had!

Love you,

mary jo said...

Dol, I'm thinking of You this afternoon and praying. Since the blog has been quiet over the last few days You are taking a much needed break. No wonder You have had it. We love You. Joe is in Russia till Sat. There have been times in my life where no one could physically change my situation. I had to force myself to sit still for a while and put myself into God's presence. I did this by reading psalms and crying out to God aloud and in my heart. You and I talked about not being able to sit still easily. When my world is crashing though I physically make myself be alone with God and His word and my journal. He will comfort You. Hopefully some of the family can ease your load also. I'm praying "Show me Lord, what more can I do?" Deut.33:27 The eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms". Love,MJB