Thursday, March 19, 2009

3:30 a.m

So, what do you do at 3:00 a.m when you're sick? I don't know. But here's what I did/do.

  • stare into the dark - that 's boring
  • pray - that's boring. Feels like God isn't there. Besides what could I possible say that he hasn't heard. And I'm not feeling like praising Him cause I feel so crappy.
  • feel bad about not praising the Almighty God who is so worthy of my praise - but despite that, I still don't do it cause I'm probably passively aggressively mad at Him, which is sooooooo stupid.
  • turn on the computer - many possibilities there
  • play spider solitary - that's boring
  • turn on the ipod player I bring from PGH - amazed that I can
  • wonder where those songs on the IPOD came from -They might possibly be David and Andrea's wedding CD songs (I loved that CD)
  • Sit amazed that this little IPOD instrument stumps me still - seeing how "old" I am because I"m stumped by an Ipod
  • Thinking about how I got my Ipod free - chuckle and remember a good memory of when Jim wasn't sick.
  • read about tracing blocked IP addresses - that's boring
  • read the drudge report - drudgery
  • wonder how long it will take before people with "I voted for Obama" bumperstickers to take them off, out of embarassment. - realizing, they probably won't ever see why they would need to rip them off.
  • switch directions in my head - back to me
  • feel sorry for myself - that makes me feel worse
  • think of how blessed I am - feels like a lie, despite the truth of it
  • wonder how Jim is - makes me sad
  • wonder why I didn't think of him first - because my default setting is meeeeeeeeeeee.
  • seeing my selfishness that I can't get away from - boring, cause we're all selfish
  • judging those who read this and think "I'm not selfish" - that's boring and self righteous
  • reading other blogs - that's boring
  • go to BR to use the netti pot - nose is too clogged. Salt water ends up in my throat. End up thinking of Kristen, laugh at that, go back to computer
  • laugh that poor Kristen is thought of when I use my netti pot -poor girl will always be when I do. I told her she would be.
  • wondering if I spell "netti" properly - so I google it
  • laugh at the You Tube video of some guy using the netty pot - 3 ha ha's cause it's more gross than funny
  • Sneeze, cough, gag - used the last tissue
  • Listening to Shelley use the treadmill - I'm jealous that I can't, she's fit, and has a life
  • Realizing I've been jealous of everyone I see who has a life - which is everyone I see unless they are on a carton of milk or Compassion Internation ad - which makes me feel guilty.
  • Thinking of my sister - cause I'm really not jealous of her life, cause she has it tough with that stupid lympedema, and she struggles to make ends meet since Mark's injury 15 years ago
  • Thinking of my sister being 52 and how hard she has had it - makes me feel guilty
  • Think of me and Elaine's fave saying - "guilt, the gift that keeps on giving."
  • Think of why Elaine hasn't called me in 2 months - makes me sad
  • Think of despite Elaine not calling, she's one of my best buds and one of the few that can get away with that. (if you're reading Elaine, I love and miss you)
  • Listen to Allison Kraus on the Ipod - fantasize about how wonderful it would be to sing like that - fantasize about how wonderful it would be to breathe through my nose so I could sing, period...
  • Listen to the treadmill go off - wondering about what wonderful breakfast Shelley is going to cook - wondering if I'll be able to taste it.
  • Google for the 20th time, GVHD of the gut - decide not to
  • Think about shopping online - online retail therapy isn't very fun when broke
  • Decide to blog. - BUT ABOUT WHAT?

And that's how you got this....the opportunity to live inside my tormented brain early in the morn. Welcome. I hope you've enjoyed your journey.


Anonymous said...

Goodmorning Sister and Jim.

Sister, I would like to thank you for this morning laugh. After reading the blog and crying I decided to go to youtube and look up netti pot. WHY do people feel they needed to demo it and add MUSIC to it!

I pray you feeling better today both of you.

Jim? I'm calling today testing my theory on you know what what happens when I call.

love to you both

Anonymous said...

i KNEW you would look that up on you tube.

I think Kristen should take herself using the netty and putting it on youtube. What do you think sister?

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria,

I'm bummed because I was up until about 3:30 a.m. Not sick. Just couldn't sleep. I could have called you if I had your number or IMed you (however you do that). I can't remember how I spent all the time. How could you remember all that? When I have trouble falling asleep, I ususally go through the alphabet, trying to think of as many descriptions of God I can for each letter. Usually, I fall asleep, but not last night. I absolutely can not sleep when my nose is stuffed. You may be opposed to medicine, by I am absolutely dependent on Afrin when I have a cold. It clears me up completely. I am very thankful for that product.


Rachel said...

I was awake too at 3:00 am! I wonder how many people that read this blog were awake! We could have all had a party! (Except that we're all so far away from each other!)
love you bunches my friend!

Anonymous said...

netty pot party yeahhhh.
not only do they do that on youtube to music go and see how many hits they get. Now the real netty pot site has like 700 thous I can see why you would want a demo but come on others doing it.

I think Kristen doing a netty demo be great idea. Lord knows I tried it and didnt work for me NOOO I'm not doing a demo after all I have to stand up and Hum at Jim's celebration party one day dont need me to be on the internet! Trust me on this!

love you Sister

mary jo said...

Wow, I didn't know anybody else could run at the brain like I do. Wow Dol, I feel a little better about my OCD thoughts. Just kidding of course but I love You and it gives me one more reason to believe we are "sistahs". I'm so glad we've gotten to be friends and love each other but not glad of how it happened of course. I'll be praying. JB is due back Sat. pm. It's about time! Love,MJB

Anonymous said...

Oh, if only I had a video camera, I could have Larry tape me using the neti pot...then I could tape him using the neti pot...then we could put together some fab music video with the snot running out our noses into the sink. There's only one (almost) 38, I'm too old to know how to upload to YouTube, so there goes my 5 minutes of fame!

Love you, Gloria...and we won't discuss how every time you think of me with the neti pot, you also think of the toilet! :-)

You are in good company with your mental ramblings...we all go there. And anyone who doesn't think they're selfish is delusional!

Hang in there!!!


P.S. Glad we picked a good name!

Anonymous said...

One practical comment...keep using the pot even when you don't feel like you're getting anywhere...eventually you break through the gunk...sometimes it takes half the day before you can.

Perhaps the music for the video should be "Don't Stop Believin'" by Air Supply :-).

chrissie k said...

Norah's been sick all week - so I've been doing nothing but hold her. Just had the opportunity to check in and re-updated!! I loved this entry! Good news...

Love you guys muchly and have been thinking about you a lot. The Koerbers continue to pray - and Matt is seriously considering a trip to NIH. We had a good, good friend from seminary recently diagnosed w/ advanced mesothelioma and from Nashville ... getting his treatment at NIH. He's an unbelievably gifted musician who would wow both of you - hands down! I've been praying that he and Uncle Jim would end up near each other and somehow connect... I don't think you have shared a room in a while, have you? He would be the best room buddy EVER. (If you had to have one .. heehee)

Anyway... just wanted to send some love.