Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Zero Minus One or something like that

They use rocket talk to count the days to the SCT and then other meds given. I'm not sure what day it is in rocket talk,but the SCT is given tomorrow. Bob came in last night and gives his donation today.

  • Join me in prayer that Bob's blood is poluted with stem cells. Also the Chemo has whipped Jim in his butt. I mean, it is baaaaaaaaaaad. That walking around the floor has completely stopped. Getting up to go to the bathroom drains him. Also his incision and setons in his anas are starting to really hurt him. Docs came in late last night to assess the situation. It's a go for the SCT, and that's good, but we pray there is not an infection down there because this would NOT be good at all for Jim. Jim's still glad he's decided to give this a try, which is good, but his immune system and his blood numbers are so bad that if he didn't get this transplant he would die. And he feels like it. Turning in bed takes the wind out of him. It's amazing what a few days difference can mean. But we have been living this for a while. You would think we would get used to it, but we aren't. It just keeps getting harder, physically for both of us actually.

  • Pray for me too. I have been having terrible eye fatgue and headaches. So I went to have any eye exam which is 50.00, until you get in there and need this test and that test and then it costs you 100.00. Turns out I need glasses. 3 pairs of them. I'm farsighted, so I need bifocals for driving and such, and then my midrange for computers is off, so I need glasses there, and I need reading glasses, too because my one eye is different than my other eye and drugstore reading glasses aren't different in each lenses, so the reading glasses that Iuse have been causing the eye strain...and blah blah blah...I just didn't need this in my life now, too.

Today I am going to my SCT class. I have been asking for info for months and all I got was a book on me being the care taker. The biggest part of that book, as I discussed with Karen, was a joke. It talks of how me, as a caretaker, needs my own caretaker cause the next 6 months to a year are going to be hard. LOL. That's almost too funny. Hello there. And what have the last 1.5 years been like? Even the lady who gave it to me laughed. Yeah the STC caretaking is hard, but it's not like Jim has come to this process in fine health. The book talked about how the chemo will make Jim sick and he could throw up....GET OUTTTTTTTTTTTT. nOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

So, I was walking through the nurse station, and their book was out on the counter,and I found out that they offer this class once every 2 months for people coming in for a SCT, and it happened to be today, so I am signed up. Surprise Surprise, but I am the only one signed up. Why? Well, first, there aren't that many SCT's,but mainly because they don't tell anybody about it. What a goofy place. Good health care, but the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. If we ever get governmental health care, that is what it will be like...without the goodhealth care portion of it. They will also offer a close for "leaving the hopt. after a transplant, but that one won't be until March 27th, and well, we will already be gone, I hope. So, ummmm, that's dumb. But I'm happy for at least this class, and with it only being me, maybe I can get my "leaving" questions in with the "what's going to happen when" questions.

Well, you all have a fine day and pray for my Jimmy. Other than when he was at death's doorstep last Nov., I haven't seen him this down and sick and wornout. It's so weird when just days ago he was having a run around the tract contest.

Well, I have to get ready for my class.


Anonymous said...

Sister, wondering if you could let us know the time of the SCT. we could all pray together at the same time. Or maybe we could pray at noon good time for all to remember.

I'm glad you went and got your eyes checked out.

love to you both

Rachel said...

Good idea about the time. Gary and I tend to try to pray at the exact time of a specific crisis if at all possible. Let us know if you can.

LOVE YOU! I just finished praying for you both.

Anonymous said...

I hope the class went let us know when to pray.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Yes...we would definitely be interested in knowing when the transplant is going to be so that we can be sure to be praying then - of course we'll be praying the whole day, but it would still be nice to know...Aunt Dolly, you are an inspiration - we are all praying over here at the McCloskey's (where Joshua & I are currently living for another month or so till our house is livable)!!! I praise God that through all this, though you have been sifted as wheat still your faith has not failed. Praise God that He Himself is interceding on your behalf through all of this...may the Lord hold your hands as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death tomorrow - you will not be alone! We will all be standing with you in prayer! Give Uncle Jim a great big hug and kiss for us!

Anonymous said...

We will be lifting you both up in prayer continually tomorrow.

The Smiths