Wednesday, February 18, 2009

time to pray

Hi there. Great idea, but I don't know what time it will be. I can tell you this. It won't be before 11.00 That much I do know how. If I find out what time, I will post it here and you can join me in prayer for Jim at that time.

Thanks for being so faithful in praying with and for us.

So far Jim has gotten 2 of the meds to fight the graft versus host disease. I have walked this floor many times over the past few months, and I have seen the feet and legs of some people who have this disease and it isn't pretty. Those meds, also, have made Jim very sick. He's sleeping right now and literally doesn't have the strength to get out of bed. I am here bedside taking care of my jumbo.

Bonnie, thanks for your encouragement. You have such a wonderful way with words. I remember reading your letter to Jim and him bawling his eyes out. We just love your heart. You ought to be a writer.

Oddly enough, as I am sifted as wheat, I feel that my faith in the Lord has gotten stronger despite my roller coaster of feelings. I continue to have very trying hours and days, and the feelings to go with it, but my faith is stronger. We both have felt alone as we have walked through this, not because many of you weren't there, but because it's only us two walking it with the Lord. He is the only one who knows and sees and understands and feels how bad it's been. And it has been hellacious. But I would do it over and over again. I love my dear husband. I'll tell you. Every night I swear I can't take another day, and the next morning, it's amazing that I'm ready to go again. I know it's a God thing.

Who knows what the Lord will use it for in the future, but I know we'll never be the same, come what may.

Well, my dear husband is up, and I'm going to tend to him. If I know the time, I'll post it here, as it will be easier than to e-mail you 4. Thanks. Great idea, sister.

Love US


mary jo said...

We're thinking of You all tonight and praying for the protector.Ps.91" He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings thou shalt trust". We love you and our hearts are there with you. MJB&JB

Judy said...

We are praying, and will keep praying.

Love, Tom and Judy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the prayers. We are very blessed to have so many people who love us and are praying for us.

Hey MJ, Tell Joe I ordered 3 pairs of glasses at that place he suggested to Jim. I need reading glasses with a different prescription for each eye. I need mid range with bifocals for computer/reading, and I need a long range pair for my far sightedness,with bifocals, so I could drive and still see the GPS that kind of thing, I got all 3 pairs for 98.00. 2 pairs would have cost me 500.00 at Pearl Vision. That's a huge load off of my chest. I'll tell you what. No wonder I have been having headaches and such eye strain. My focusing problems were wearing out my muscles. So, I'm glad to know of the problem and glad it's not a 500 problem. And as bad as I have been on reading glasses over the past few years, The idea of me spending 500 to only lose them, forget them, drop them, etc. had my worrying a bit. That makes me laugh when I think of you and I at the restaurant and I asked for the larger print menu, and he brings that menu out that was the size of the phone book. LOL. Oh my gosh. It was in braille. I'm so glad that waiter went into the loss and found and found me a spare pair of reading glasses.

Do me a favor and send me our e-mail address. Send it to me at This way I can e-mail you something like this.

Bifocals. Can you believe it? I'm old now...

Love Dolly

Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

Jim & Gloria:

Sam and I continue to bring you before the throne... it is an honor to pray for you both.

Without ceasing,
Maddy and Sam