Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday's update

Hi Everyone:

Well, I'm doing well. Now I only have 5407825 things to do, so it's winding down.

I'm very excited to get back and see my Jumbo. This is the longest I have been separated from him in wayyyy to long and I miss him terribly.

Today, I actually found myself having about 3 thoughts that pertained to Jim and I and our future. And it was scary as H E double hockey sticks, and as exciting as our first kiss. Weird.

Jim's blood is still odd, but docs say it's where it should be. His kidney numbers are up and his ...what's it called uric acid, I think. That's up, too. Probably cause I'm not down there saying. "Drink. Drink. DRINK. DRINK.

I won't be there for the bone marrow biopsy, and I am sad/glad. It's the one thing I have not been able to learn to stomach. And I've learned alot lately. But I will be down there for my birthday, so that's fun.

Johnny and Leah got me an awesome goosedown vest, which is perfect for the climate down there. My sister and Mark spoiled me, too. I remember last year when Judy called everyone and told them to love on me for my birthday. I still carry that memory from last year and all the love you gave to me, and I just thank you again, and it was done so well, you all are off the hook for this year.

I will not get my lemon meringue pie that my Jumbo makes me. :( But he promises to make me one when he get home. He's thinking "future" too. Is it scary for you Hon?

It's kind of weird. Last year at this time was when we found out that Jim had cancer. He was getting his first round of chemo a year ago today. He came home on my birthday. This year, he will be getting his first round of chemo (and hopefully his last) as the prep for the SCT. Kind of weird, huh?

Well, I'm going to go finish doing my stuff. Hope you all are enjoying this WONDERFULLY warm weather. I know I can't wait to get back down there, not only to see Jim, but because it's a bit warmer down there, too. I'm bringing my bike, and I'm pumped. (pun intended) I want to cook some while I am at the lodge because Jim just isn't eating well with the yucky hopt. food, same stuff over and over. Years ago Jim put a basket on my bike for me. And everyone laughs cause I have a basket, but when I fill it with goodies from the Lodge and ride up to the hopt. with a basket full of goodies, won't my basket have redeemed itself....


Rachel said...

I can't believe it's your birthday time already. As I was reading I was thinking, "What's she talking about? It's not her birthday yet!" and then I looked at the calendar. DAH! What day is it? The 8th? The 10th? Why can't I ever remember that? Wait, maybe I have it written down somewhere........nope couldn't find it. Sorry but my brain is still in Januanry.
I love you my friend. I'm so glad you have "hope" as a wonderful birthday present. Nothing anyone could give you could possibly mean more.
I love you!

Anonymous said...

Amen. I will write you about "why" Jim still needs a SCT despite him being cancer free later one when I get some time. Probably at like 3 a.m or something. Shhhhh. Don't tell Jim.

I love you. I always miss your birthday, too. We do that. And it's okay. It's actually better than okay. I'm lousy at remembering stuff. ;)

chrissie k said...

Sweet Aunt Dolly -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! What a blessing the addition of YOU has been not only one of our favorite uncle's lives... but to ALL of our lives. (ok... one of my 8 favorite uncles ;) heehee) May the Lord bless you as you journey down south... and keep you! Hugs and kisses from the Koerber crew. We wuv uuuuuuuu.

Anonymous said...

I'm praising God with you guys about all this good news. Happy Birthday! I love you both and continue to pray.
Love you.

mary jo said...

Happy Birthday to you Dolly. What a wonderful birthday gift this week of turnaround must be for you. You are pretty and fun to be with lady. I hope 2009 is the best year ever. You know the opposite side of the coin so it makes it all the sweeter. Praying--Love,MJB and JB home from Russia.Yeah!!!

Anonymous said...

Aw shucks, I didn't know it was your birthday. Happy Happy!

We are home and you are leaving! Grrr. You remain in our prayers. We have been really enjoying your good news, praising God and doing a lot of smiling. And we'll pray for more of it.

You are very special to me Gloria. We look forward to having you home and more in our lives.

Amy(for the Smiths)