Friday, February 6, 2009

Good news again...

Wow, but I could get used to this good news stuff.

Jim talked to the docs. They are going to keep Jim in the hospital as long as they can after the transplant to make sure that he is good and healthy. They said we could also stay at Bob and Shelley's, BUT...we may have to stay at a hotel close by for the first few weeks for safety reasons. I can do this. So, this is good. Ruthie and Maddy, you both were so right. I'm very glad you were.

Also, they moved Jim into a private room on the Stem Cell Transplant side of the hospital, and he's with his new team now. This will help to keep him safe from germs until transplant. His bone marrow biopsy is on Monday, and they start the prep chemo on Tuesday. His transplant is as scheduled, February 18th. Bob the donor (cousin of Bob the comes in on Monday to start receiving his meds to increase his stem cells.

Pray that Jim's bone marrow biopsy isn't as painful as the others were. Pray that the neupogin that Bob will be getting doesn't make his bones too sore. And pray for protection for Jim from any infections. That is the only thing standing in the way right now of the SCT. Also pray that he can calm down. He's so close he can taste it and he's fretting and worrying that something is going to happen to him and is going to come in and steal this from him. I hope that you can understand our fears and struggles right now. It's not a lack of faith thing. It's a multitude of strife thing. We don't believe that faith is something that is quantitative, in that if you have lots of it, you can then use it as a tool to purchase miracles or good outcomes. We believe that it's Faith in God...period. I think the struggle for us is the "resting" in whatever outcomes there are, knowing that God will not abandon us.

Ruthie, if you still want to come over tomorrow to help, that will be good. I'll call you. And Bruce, I'm sorry I didn't call you today. Johnny came in to help me, and I was up since 3 a.m with bathroom problems, so I couldn't find a time to meet with you. I have written down a few ideas where I could use some help and will call you by tomorrow. Jim wants me to thank you for calling me and looking out for his bride, as well as being faithful to both of us as our brothers and sisters in Christ. You guys (our church) have been such a demonstration to us of what it means to live out what it is we say we believe.

Okay, still got 4378503897518653 things to do.

hmmm. I'm kind of puzzled. It's really a weird feeling to see things going in the right direction for Jim.


k2shine said...

Hi Jim wish you were here for my cakes. Gonna miss not having you here. I know you all by yourself and I dont have your new room number so cant call before the kids come to sing to Mark.

I love and miss you and always praying for you.

k2shine said...

Sister you so busy today we didnt evven connect yet but I know you coming down for a few for cake.

I love you and already missing you and you havent gone yet.

Rachel said...

Hello Dear Friend,
I'm so glad that things are going better. I loved what you had to say about faith and resting in God. You are so right on! Resting is hard but of course it is a work of the cross in your life so just keep trusting that God will continue to mold you into his image and eventually the resting will come. I think rest is the hardest of all the battles of faith so you are in good company in the many warriors of God who struggle in this area.
Well my friend I just wanted you to know that I love you and I'm thinking of you. I will pray for Jim and his axiety.
I do have a question, probably based on total ignorance of the stem cell process. If he is in total remission why does he still need the stem cell transplant? Just curious.
Love you

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!! Now, that's some news I can get my head around.

Praise God!