Thursday, February 5, 2009


Sorry that contact with you is scarce. I'm just so busy and emotionally and physically drained. Seems all I have been doing today is crying and trying to deal with the latest snafu as they arise. Today's wonderful news is that Jim's meeting with the social worker didn't go well, as she doesn't think the doctors are going to approve us staying with Bob and Shelley's because it's too far. So, I've been doing nothing but crying or staring into space all day. Pathetic. This morning, I was crying because I was a horrible mother to my dog Ruby who died...what, 3 years now? Get the basket. I'm going nuts.

And then, Until 15 minutes ago when I discovered that my husband was spending a few hours in a filthy family room because his new roommate has pneumonia with a fever and is coughing his head off, so Jim left and called the doc, and they agree that it's nuts, and so now they have to move that guy and...

It just never never ends. And the other day I swear I heard the Lord tell me it's going to get worse. I know that Jim has a long row to hoe and needs me. I just don't know how to find me anymore.


Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

Take heart, dear friend. Sam and I prayed for you guys about an hour after you posted this message. I feel in my spirit that the Lord will work all these things out for you both. It may get more difficult, but just remember that a few days ago the doctors found N.E.O.D. - wasn't that was a gift from God to encourage you? Don't let the enemy steal your joy. Keep us informed as to how we can help... many are willing to do so. Nothing is impossible for our God.


Unknown said...

You are so sweet. Thanks my dear. I was sick all night with bathroom issues...again. I didn't sleep from 3 a.m on. So I just layed and there and couldn't pray, but I just kept saying "Jesus" over and over again so that my focus wouldn't drift to worry and such. Despite no sleep, belly problems and the stress of life, I'm not having too bad of a day. So thank you soooooooo much for being intuned to the spirit and your prayers. You get my e-mail?

Love Me.