Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More Delays

Well, no news yet, and he's still not signed on. Jim's really nervous and irritable. He says if he dies during or after it, oh well. But he at least wants to get to it. Bobs blood tests aren't back yet. If they do the SCT (which we believe they will) they told us it will be delayed until the 19th now because of these delays. Hurry up people...

That's all I can report. Well, this too. They have a sign up sheet on the wall where people can walk laps of the unit. 2 laps get you 1 x. So, Jim has a bunch of x's. But every time he goes out, this other guy is 3 or 4 ahead. You really don't win anything, but it sure is making Jim walk, and without even realizing it, he's walking further than I have seen him walk probably since the summer. And he's faster, too.

Anyway...Oh, that and we saw a copy of the protocol that he will have to sign...IF THEY EVER GET HIM ON...It's scary.

K,time for bed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's hear it for friendly competition! :-) Go, Jim, Go!!!

Wanted to send you a fun birthday e-card, but all my favorite free Hallmark cards on-line now cost money! Those rotten executives trying to make a buck! Anyway, our thoughts and prayers are with you...another year older, another year w....(you can fill in the blank: wiser, weirder, wilder, etc.)

Love you,