Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hospital visit number 22...or is it 23?

Yes, Jim's in the hopt. He needs a blood transfusion, platelets, and he has a temp.

He didn't have a temp. all day, but it started getting high again as the evening came. I'm scared. I said to the doctors down there? Are you sure you want to do another chemo? His cancer grows back in the midst of it and fast. They didn't concur. I'm not so sure it's the cancer either. No one is. Time will tell.

I think what I am doing is what I've tended to do most of my life. Go for the worse case scenerio. This way when it comes, I won't be surprised by the hardship. And if it's not the hardship, well, then geeze, that's great news. That's my kind of great news. I'm surprised at how this is hitting me. I can't stop crying today.

I talked with a friend about how I feel the Lord is purging me of everything. EVERYTHING, even things that are good. It scares me to think it could be the cancer back. Not that I thought the SCT or chemo would give us "happily ever after," but it did give me a reprieve from extreme grief. Well. It's back. And it may be premature. I don't know. So, please don't join me on this worry trip. It's just what I need to do. But like I said, if it's not the cancer, well, geeze. I've had some great news this week. Hey, we learn to take what we can get, don't we?



mary jo said...

It's getting late but I thought I'd check and you are scared and Jim's sicker. I'm so sorry. I have been praying and asked the Lord for a scripture for you:Jn.16:33"I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But cheer up -I have overcome the world".

Anonymous said...

Oh Mary Jo. I am sooooo glad he's overcome this world. It does bring cheer, doesn't it.

Love me.