Thursday, January 22, 2009

The maker of great days

Do I know how to party or what? I had a great day. Jim no longer has a temp since being on the antibiotics. The doctor doesn't think it's the cancer returning. This is how Gloria has a great day. See. Works for me. Serious. When I embrace the idea that my world can crash in at any moment, when it doesn't, it's grand.

Jim did have to get another 2 units of blood. He was really low. So, he's feeling much better. He's been fighting with the nurses because they wouldn't give him bowel medicine. He had to beg them for his neupogen shot. It was after 12 midnight last night and they were just going to skip that dose, because the nurse didn't want to bug the doctor on call?????? But Jim made her, which was good. I mean, he is neutropenic... They didn't order his pain meds, and were going to just skip his dose. So, Jim said, well, I brought my own, and she demanded them off of him, telling him he can't take his own meds. And he refused, and she said it's hospital policy that you are not allowed to have any meds. And he said, it's my policy to take care of myself. I don't want to get the shakes and blah blah blah. But this one is the best. He gets antibiotics every 12 hours. He didn't know that. So, he got his first IV bag. Then he got the blood transfusion. The doctor came in later today and said, well, you're responding well to the 2 antibiotic treatments. Jim said, "I only got one." The doc looks into it. Well, Jim's second one was due, but they were giving him the blood, and it took 3 hours, so the nurse thought that Jim might as well just skip that dose of antibiotic. Once again Doc Cran....was yelling at the nurse. Can you imagine being in the hospital...oh forget it. You get the picture. Anyway, he's doing really well, and will be home tomorrow probably.

I tried a little retail therapy. Boring...I bought a bathroom rug on sale for 6 bucks. I bought the newspaper and took my fat ol' self and got some mexican food for dinner. Yum Yum. I miss my Jumbo. I would rather eat poptarts at home with him, than eat out without him.

Oh, And Ruth THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for cleaning my fridge yesterday. It smells sooooooooo nice. And the pecans and book and other surprises. You sneak. :) You looked so good. SO GOOD. It was nice to see some family (OTHER THAN MY SISTER..shhhh, don't tell her I said that.) We felt bad that you were there doing that. Sorry it was a bit chaotic while you were here. That's just the way it is though. But thank you. That was so kind. I hope the jewelry wasn't overwhelming. Also, thanks for the turkey soup. It was delicious.


Anonymous said...

I HEARD THAT or should I say READ THAT. My house smells good sister call me minute jims home. I have Christa till 5:30. I also have lymphedema at 1 Mark will watch her while she naps. love me

Anonymous said...

ANYBODY WANT A SISTER? Just kidding. I love you too, Kim. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yay for the good day! I like the new we get a new one EVERY single day you're home :-)?


Anonymous said...

The steeler one was sooooo busy, it made me nuts when I looked at it, and I didn't have the time or energy for another one, so I just used one of their ready made. It's easy on the eyes. :)