Monday, December 15, 2008


The stem cell transplant team left a message. They are still doing some tests on some of the siblings blood, but she said they already have a few matches (which is great news) so they are waiting for these tests to come back because they will dig deeper to get the best, perfect match. So, that's good news and made Jim cry. It made him realize how much he wants to live. Oh, how I want him to live, too.

Fess up time. . Who sent the lit Christmas tree from Target? It's so pretty and makes it so nice in our room. I wish I had brought my camera, I would have taken a picture and posted it. Thanks so much, secret santa, but let us know if you would like so we can say ho ho ho and thank yo yo, that was lame.


Anonymous said...

Yay for a tree! I didn't send it... (wish I thought of it, though!) but I know how much of a difference one can make.

Also yay for matching siblings. I was waiting to hear how that went, because if you needed to spread out your search, we were/are more than ready and willing.

YAY for a good start to the week. :-)


Rachel said...

glad to hear you got a tree! I was thinking about sending one! wouldn't that be funny if you receive ten trees! LOL You better keep announcing what you get!

Anonymous said...

Okay...I believe the tree has arrived as a special gift from your home group (you know, the one you never attended :-). If not, someone else in the greater blog-following world stole our idea!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

P.S. Ours was ordered Saturday which is why we're a bit shocked by the quick delivery and wondering if someone else had this brilliant idea! Perhaps you'll be starting a collection!

k2shine said...

hmmmmmm Sister I think you gonna have more than one TREE! You can put one in your lodging room. Your package has been mailed 2 days be there LOL. HO HO HO.
Oh and I got mail from you today fancy Hilton Stationary, same old Sister hand writing which was great to see and read.

Hi Jimmy! Rub his head for me Sister. Praise God for matching stem. Jim did you cry when you found was more than one match cause you didnt want my "humming" cells?

Ok visual here for Jim, close your eyes no wait till you read this
picture me humming Deck the Halls. I just hummed it and it even made me laugh.

Thanking God for answered prayers today. He's awesome!

loving you both and missing you.