Monday, December 15, 2008

And the lucky donor may be.....

Bob, Bill, and June....

So far. They're not done with Janet's yet. They are testing more to get even closer matches, but that's where we are so far. The doctors say the best donor is always the one that lives the farthest away. :)

Anyways, more info to come.

The tree came from Target. Is that you, my home group? Don't you love it.... Me and Jim belong to a home group, cell group. We don't even know what it's called. We've belonged for a year...and never made it to one meeting. LOL. And they send a tree. Now that is one heck of a group, don't you think?

So, Mark took a tree from the attic, sister and put it in the mail? Geeze. He's a nut. That one will go in my lodge room. :)

Thanks guys.


Anonymous said...

I'm here waitin on ya call with my Group A Rh + all ready. Pick me 'cause I'm the furtherest away.

Gaz in OZ

Unknown said...

LOL. You looking for a free trip to the states, huh? Get your blood tested to be a donor. If they need you at the NIH, they'll bring you here, all expenses paid. In fact, you should see if they have any clinical trials on RPF. Come and visit me. ;)