Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pre New Year Post

Well, Jim doesn't have C-dif, but we knew that because we knew it was the flu, but it's still good to know.

It could have been food poisening. Jim had gotten a pass to go out, and we went out to lunch for the first time in about 5 months. We went to PF Changs. We both started to not feel so well, but I don't know if it was that or the flu. I guess we'll know if John or Leah gets sick. I don't want to blame in on a restaurant if it's not, but you can bet we won't go back there.

Anyway, I'll let you know, as soon as I know, when we are getting out.

Sounds like I'm talking about jail. LOL.

Anyway, I stopped New Year's Resolutions years ago. I'm afraid to have hopes for a happy new year and afraid to not have hopes for a happy new year. I think we'll just go to bed. But the year 2008 was not a friendly one, for sure.


Anonymous said...

Why aren't you considering our house? How many times do we have to tell, invite, beg you to stay here with or without us being here?

Anonymous said...

"Hi, My name is Kristen, and I'm a 'Jim's blog-aholic'"

"Hi, Kristen."

I've been checking every day since you last posted, and I'm glad to hear you guys are alive, but really, I'm beginning to think of you as Pauline (as in Perils of...). Good grief! I am SO sorry you and Jim got so awfully sick...I hope that the worst of it is over, and you can both begin to feel a little more human soon.

I'm a bit confused on something. At first I thought you were coming home in December...then I thought it was, as I read, it seems like maybe it was December the whole time. Keep us posted, so we know when you may be back in the Burgh.

You have our prayers daily. We're fighting illness up here too...but just sinus so far...

I'm praying for great things in 2009! (alright...if we don't want to shoot the moon, how about halfway decent things :-)...heck, I'm going for it whole hog...) Here's to a miracle in 2009!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Wow. You guys had a lousy Christmas. I'm so sorry. And I didn't think it could get any worse. Glad you are feeling better. At least you got to see John and Leah for a short while. Hope they don't get sick.

I was also starting to wonder if you dropped off the face of the earth being that your last post was on the 23rd! Glad you're okay! Praying for a miracle in 2009! Be at peace.
Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

BOB: We love you guys to pieces and believe me, you will see lots of us I believe. But we are DYING TO GO HOME....AND WE WILL BE MOVING HERE FOR 5 MONTHS. I'll call you. Hope your Christmas skiing was great. I stayed away from your kids sniffles to only almost die of dysentary...LOL. Go figure. Hey, you're part of the Defense Dept. Thing they got pics of me wretching outside the lawn of the Naval Acadamy?


"Hi Kristen." I know, can you believe it...? I can't. So you got sinus problems, huh? Can I loan you a good clean pot pot? LOL. We could be home December 29th for ~ 10 days. But who knows. Hey, this is govt. here.


It stunk in many ways, but it actually wasn't "lousy." I know that pleases you muchly. I'll share soon what I loved about it. I hope yours was great. We miss you guys.


Dan Baldauff said...

stomach flu here too. I'm so sorry you are going through it away from home. I'm okay today ;just tired. So are you coming home any day now?Love and prayers,MJB