Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh Noooo again

Well, first and foremost:

Jim is doing well. He's still in bed and still has blood clot stockings on. He's entered into a new realm that I won't print, so save his dignity.

He seems to think that one of the lymph nodes in his neck is gone. They are still tweaking the pain meds. They are putting him on methadone(meth), trying to see if that works better than the oxycoton and pain pump that he is on now. Last night after his first meth, he felt his throat closing up and there was a rash on his arm. Nurse looked, and there appeared to be a blood blister on the roof of his mouth, which they cultured, and it was bleeding. So, I have no idea what that was.

I'll update more on Jim later if something should change. But here are some crazy things:
  • I haven't seen the name of Jesus, outside of my bible, Tom & Judy's Visit, and Shelly's.
  • I haven't heard a praise song, outside of my Ipod, which is out of battery, or my mouth, which is out of key.
  • There is a kwanza candle here at the Lodge.
  • There is a Menorrah here at the Lodge.
  • There is no manger set to be seen.
  • There is cable TV, and I was excited to watch many shows, as I don't have it at home, but:
  1. HG TV is about getting more beautiful homes..getting getting getting. And half the people are gay, which I don't mind gay people, but I do mind how "normalized" it is.
  2. History channel...well, I turn that on, and they have a show called "Ganglands" About gangs. What's so historic about that?
  3. ION has nothing but Boston Legal, which should be called Strange Sex Legal
  4. Grey's Anatomy..which should be called Strange Sex Medical
  5. There's CNN, but they have the FOX news network blocked.
  6. And there are 10 channels where I can watch CSI, NSCI, or something other crime, dead body and gutts show.
  7. Oh, let's not forget the Victoria Secret Christmas Runway show.
  8. The Local morman show down here hosts the "holiday light" show.

I could go on and on. I feel like I"m in some strange foreign land. I really believe there is a spiritual covering over my house that is not over this place. I know that I'm not made for this world. But in this environment, I really feel out of place.

Well, I worked out on the cross trainer again this morning, am doing laundry and then I'm off to see Jim and to see what's new today.

So you want to come for Christmas, huh? What Christmas. You bringing me lots of gifts?????? Come on down. ;) j/k....guess I watched to much


Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

The good thing about Christmas for Christians is we don't need a tree, trimmings or trappings. Christmas is in our hearts and we can celebrate it every minute. I think it is time for Christians to reclaim Christmas and let the world have "Giftmas".

When I read your post it made me think that God has put you out in the mission field; albeit a very resistant one.

Be of Good Cheer.... Christ has overcome the world.

You are not alone... more people are holding you and Jim up before the Lord than you probably know.

You are right about what you see on TV, but why should we expect less? We are in a post-modern world and from what I can see a post-Christian one too. But I think God is still harvesting.

Thanks for keeping us so well informed. It helps us to know how to pray for you both.

Sam and Maddy

Unknown said...

Hi Maddy: Yeah, an important part of Christmas for me was an opportunity to do for others. Jim is this year's Christmas project. But I do miss the angel tree, baking for folks, shopping for folks, and other things I was involved in, even the family stuff.

All last year, I knit scarves while in the hospital so I could donate them to the shelter, (since we were at the hopt. so much, I have lots of scarves.) and I'm not even home to give them away. Disappointing.

Trust me, God has NOT put me out on the mission field here. More likely a testing ground for the mission field, as I'm lucky I have a smile to give, let alone anything else. Right now, I think if anything it's about God teaching me how to be a selfless server. Perhaps I'm silently doing something, but I'm not actively seeking out who I can touch today. I'm lucky I'm alive.

I guess the TV thing was a shock because when you don't watch it for a long time, and then turn it on,'s amazing. I would love to challenge every Christian I know to turn it off for a year, and turn it back on, and they would see how desensitized to the stuff that they had previously filled their eyes and ears with. I know I'm shocked. Even the commercials are horrible.

At least at home, Charles Stanley, and Adrien Rogers are on TV. They don't even have CTV down here. Heck, I'm so desparate, I might even go for a little of Joel Olsteen. Okay, maybe not. ;)

I was really happy to hear about Sam's progress, Maddy. Really happy. What is next for you guys? How is Thelma and Bill? Tell them I said hello, and I lift up a pray to our God on their behalf as well. God Bless you guys.

Love Gloria