Friday, December 5, 2008

Today's new things

Hi All:

I've changed the way the blog is archived because sometimes I update 2,3 times a day, sometimes not. This way might be better.

Well, Jim's pain was better yesterday. He continues to lose the water in his body naturally, but he's also losing more than water, as he is not eating. The thrush is down his esophagus, causing him a lot of pain. He is neutropenic, and he has a fever, so they have him on antibiotics. The roof of his mouth bleeding culture is not back yet, but they think it's Herpes. Herpes? My husband has never had a cold sore. His first roommates had Herpes...and I worried about this thermometer. Not going there, least of my problems. I know 80 percent of the population carry it, but last thing Jim needs is another problem. So, he's using a suction because it's bleeding. Let's see. What else. His pain was better last night, so that is good. His platelets are low, so they are giving him platelets. His Red blood cell count is down, so they are giving him red blood cells, too.

Me, oh my.

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