Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jim's health, answers to question, thank yous, and a bit of me rambling

Hi Everyone:

Jim first.

He's not doing so well. Lots of pain, from the neupogen shot from low white blood cells. His red are probably down too, but you have to be mostly drained before they give you blood here because of low levels. Pray for him, that he will feel a bit better. John and Leah are coming tomorrow, and he would like to be able to smile, rather than moan at them. Poor guy. Despite him doing better, it's very hard to see him like this. I remember last Christmas how much pain he was in. He went back into the hospital the day after Christmas. I think that's when Jim will be at his lowest point this year as well, with this treatment. We do hope afterwards we can come home.

Pray for me, too. One of the things I was moaning about the past few days, that I didn't mention is that I have impetigo on my face. I had it last year, December 12th to be exact. Caught it at the hospital too. I had to find a pharmacy, have my doctor phone in a prescription, blah blah blah. So, I'm under the weather a bit myself fighting off this nasty infection feeling like that guy in Princess Bride who ran the Pit of Despair. Remember him, with the nasty sores on his mouth. I need my sister here saying, "Quit picking your nails. Quit biting your nails." "Quit rubbing your face."

Thank you.

Thank you to all friends and family and our church who have sent your love to us while we have been here. No matter what form it arrived in, it has touched our hearts. Really. Despite my moaning. We have been so blessed by everyone's outreach to us. We don't think we could have handled it half as well as we have without it. We mean it from the bottom of our hearts.

Jesus, Bible and Feelings

I really appreciate everybody's input, I really do. And it blesses me, too. It does. I just feel out loud often, and when I do, I hate it. But I'm not going to beat myself up. I put to words, what often other people feel, but won't say or write. I know I'm not alone. I put a huge price on truth, and that's why I struggle so much when my feelings don't line up with the truth. I will never throw the truth out (God, God's word) , but I find myself not being able to throw away my feelings either, and I end up in turmoil. So, I had a spiritual temper tantrum. That's what I call it. It's been a while since I've had one. Self pity is the fuel that gets the spiritual temper tantrum going. I used to be way worse. Nobody knows more than my friend Elaine. Huh, Elaine. There I was, this huge pendulum swinging this way and then that way, extreme this way and that way. I used to drive her nuts. I'm way good now. ;) Actually, it's not something I am ashamed of or that I will apologize for. It's who I am, and God's working on me. I might leave you crazy, but I'll never leave you bored. ;)

And you know what...I appreciate your input still, cause it lets me know you love me and care for me, so thanks guys, even though I did threaten you with your eyeballs.

Bathroom Answers

Amy, I wet myself.

Kristen, tell Lar thanks, but I don't need the pot. I wet myself. LOL.

10 years ago
Jim said, "you are a fishing man's dream."
I asked, "why hon, cause I catch so many fish?"
He said, "no, it's because I can take you out on the boat, and you're good for 8 hours."

So, there's your answer.

Or it could that that maybe I borrowed one of Jim's Depends. LOL. Just kidding. No, Jim has not used Depends yet. He would kill me if I left you all thinking that. When one nurse suggested it, he said, "I'll never be that sick."

Okay, this conversation is going down the toilet....now how do I transition to Merry Christmas everyone? I guess I'll just go for it.

Merry Christmas everyone. In case I can't write, and I'm sure you will all be busy with your loved ones as well. Merry Christmas. Christmas really is in the heart. Thank you all for helping it arrive in our hearts through your love.

Love Jim and Gloria (Dolly)


Rachel said...

Tell Jim he would hate me on a boat. I can't go more than five minutes without going to the bathroom! (a ten pound baby will do that to a woman!)I panic when I am in a situation such as you described and get radical trying to find a some kind soul that will let me use their bathroom! Well, anyway I could go on and on with stories but as you said this conversation has gone down the toilet! :-)
Love you guys! Too tired to write more and you're proably too tired to read more.
love to you!

Anonymous said...

We won't even get into my bathrooming stories (some of which involve me insisting cars stop at the side of the turnpike so I can get out and relieve myself)...Jim doesn't know exactly how good he has it!

Keep sharing your feelings on this blog...those who love you appreciate knowing where you are in the process...and trust me, you aren't saying anything that others wouldn't be feeling in the same situation. I shudder to think what I would write if our situations were reversed, but I definitely would expect you to receive anything I wrote with a heavy dose of grace...which is what your readers are doing for you. None of us are looking to act as one of Job's "helpful" friends :-).

We love you and send our best wishes and prayers for a wonderful Christmas in the midst of the circumstances. I hope Jim is feeling a little better and can enjoy time with John and Leah.

Best wishes this Christmas...we look forward to seeing you in January!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Gloria and Jim! I am praying for your health and Jim's so that you can enjoy your kids! I hope it is the greatest Christmas celebration for you all. I am so happy you will be together :)
God loves you and many of His kids do too!
Love, Kimberly
P.S. I think one of the things I love most about you is how you think out loud :) For some of us that is the only way we can process things--you just do it so adorably - how can Jim resist you?!

Unknown said...

Aw shucks, Kimber. He can't resist me. Like I said, "I'm good for 8 hours in a boat, nonstop fishing. What more could a guy want. ;)

Thanks, my friend.

k2shine said...

Sister gonna tie your hands up. I know how much you dislike that rash crap on your face.
nerves bring that out too like shingles. Kids have been gone almost an hour and I miss them. I did really good until last 5 mins then I started to feel that here goes Kim when her plans get messed up, then I shot it down. Got choked up but had long talk with God that I didnt want to be sad all day long. Little sentimental here and there I can handle. Johnny looked over at one point I almost lost it had that look rut ro Nun gonna lose it but I swallowed that giant lump. Crunch is off to work, Gina and baby are napping. I finished up the breakfast dishes Mark is beginning to load the livingroom with the next round.

I will talk to you tonight.
if you use Jim's phone in his room
clean it up.

Love to you talk to you tonight

chrissie k said...

Hi sweet Auntie and Uncle! Just wanted to let you know that you were thought of this morning and prayed for. We love you guys!!! Merry Christmas!

Dan Baldauff said...

Hi from the Joe Baldauffs. We just got our tree up ,no ornaments but that will come. I'm glad Johnny and Leah are here today. The music on PBS is wonderful. That's one of my favs about Christmas and I know yours too. I love "the Holly and the Ivy" song and when they broadcast from England. We're thinking of you and will when we light our candles at service in about an hour and a half.-- He was born in a stable probably as crumby as being in a hospital room. I love to think of the angels filling the sky and singing. Excuse my christmas ramblings-Love to you on this night that He was born!!MJB and JB

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Uncle Jim and Aunt Dolly!

Bobby, Leah, Noah, Emily and Brooke

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! We all love you and are praying for you! I hope you can forget this situation you are in for one day and have a nice Christmas. Be at Peace!

Judi, Andy, Ellie, and Abbie

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Mary said...

Came to your blog on Christmas to check in on yinz; I was thinking about you.

We had a fabulous day filled with blessings and family and tradition.
And of course, I'm still not done yet - we were invited to an open house and we might go swimming at the Holiday Inn (where Sereny works)! It is 8 PM now - Tis the season!!

Hope and pray that you guys had a blessed day.

Love you,
