Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All kinds of things

Hi Everyone:

First, allow me to say thank you for the cards. I will post our address here, since many people are asking it, and then this way if Jim's room is moved, I can change it there, as well. Anyway, we liked the cards. It really cheers us up and is fun. Today, I got Kim's and Bob and Janice & family. Thank you, guys. And John and Leah's, with Oreo's in John's teeth. Thank John. I'm even getting a few cards from my sister's online friends who have beat breast cancer. Yesterday we got Bill and Jeannies card and Bob and Ruth's, and Ruth had sent too ornaments that we put on the tree. She didn't even know a tree was coming. And I put Junie's nativity set under our tree and hung our cards. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here. Anyway, thank you all for your cards and gifts. We are so blessed.

Okay important stuff.

  • Prayer needed, not only for Jim, but for the people that have been praying for Jim.
  • Jim's brother Tom is going in for mouth surgery. Last time he had this procedure done, it failed, and he got a severe infection, and lots of problems. So pray for him and his procedure. We all love and need Tom healthy. I think his surgery is tomorrow.
  • Pray for Ruth, Jim's sister. She is also going in tomorrow for brain surgery, with the gamma knife. The last time she had surgery for the same problem, we almost lost her. It was severe. There is only 1 doctor around town who had ever had the problem that came up with Ruth, and he just happened to be in the operating room next to her. Had he not been, she would have died. She almost love every ounce of blood. We're still amazed she is here. The gamma knife is much safer than the last way they did the surgery, but still....I'm not even telling Jim they are doing the procedure. I just found out myself, so please lift up Ruth in prayer with us. We need her, too. And Ruthie, here you are sending us ornaments, and you are filled with your own issues. My goodness, sweet girl. I love you. God Bless you and be with you. I will pray double for you. Maybe I better tell Jim after all. He's a very good prayer. Okay, I'll tell him. And to think that you were disappointed that you couldn't get tested to be a donor for Jim. ;) We love you.
  • I am home............awwwwwwwww...not in Pittsburgh, but back at the lodge. I hated being at the Hilton. How can men stand business trips. It is so cold and lonely at hotels, with their bars and weird television stations, all promising comfort and delivering more loneliness, with the added touch of shame and guilt. Yucky food at high prices, and commercialism. I'm glad I'm back at the lodge. I still see no Nativity Scene yet, next to the Menorah or Kwanzaa display. I'll get on it, Bill.

SISTER...Thanks for Jim's birthday card...and your funny little confetti. Now, if I get sepsis, C-dif, MRSA or imbetego from picking up little pieces of confetti off the floor, I'm going to come up there and kick your humming butt. Thanks for that. :-/

Leah, dear. Bring some sheet music when you come, or practice a few Christmas songs. There are 2 grand pianos here. 1 at the lodge. You can play for us, huh?

I'll let you know about Jim's CT scan as soon as we find out.

God bless.



Anonymous said...

WHAT? i haven't played the piano in a couple years. this could be bad. very bad.

John Baldauff said...

i can do chopsticks mom...or mary had a littl lamb...or the knuckle song!!!

Unknown said...

Leah, John had one piano lesson and can play more than you....what to do.

I'm so proud. I've taught John every song he knows.

In fact, John can play Mary had a Little Lamb on the phone. Pure Baldauff talent....

k2shine said...

Hey don't leave me out! call me on cell when the big Leah/John Concert starts and I'll hum whatever they play. How does one hum chopsticks. Oh gosh I'm actually trying it FORGET IT! LOL

went to bank. Call me so I tell what acct i put it in 5 day hold on them.
I also spoke to mail lady lizzy? I think was her name. She sends her best and has a suggestion about your mail gave me a card to fill out I said I'd have to speak with you first.
Everything is ok up at the house.

You arent gonna catch nuffin from my confetti if Jim hasnt gotten sumfin' from rubbin' your FEET that place is clean as a whistle.
Ok its starting to snow then gonna freezing rain.

check back on that ct scan in a bit.
Much love to you both

Anonymous said...

Ohh, i do remember the knuckle song. BALDAUFF DUET (plus the wacky hummer)!

Judy said...

Just to let you know, that Tom's surgery went really well!! They did not have to build up the sinus cavity like before, because enough of it remained that they could secure the posts!!! Praise God! We are loving and praying for you and for Ruthie today.

Love, me and Tom