Friday, November 14, 2008

update 2

Jim went down for his MRI...for the third time today. They are totally putting him under. They are doing an MRI of spine and brain. They believe the tumor is higher than the previous MRI mentioned, which is why the radiation didn't help much. They were radiating in the wrong place. Let's not go there.

If Jim is accepted into this trial, they will not give him his first treatment until Monday because of blood tests and other special issues. However, I will know before that possibly whether he will be accepted if they give word about the MRI. So, I might know before then, but no treatment before then. But that's okay. This will give Jim a chance to rest and the tumor an opportunity to grow a few more inches. YIKES!!!. But we're at least getting somewhere.

Pray it's not in the brain.
Pray it's not in the brain.
Pray it's not in the brain.

Kristen: All you do is turn the water spigot on on the side of my house. Bring hose in greenhouse and turn it to "shower" and give all the plants a good long drink, enough so that the water flows out from underneath the plants and fills the trays under them. The fig and banana need lots of water. (okay, like you know which ones those are. Um... oh, just water them and don't worry about it. Mark, you check. If they seem wet enough, then one of the 2 of you was there before the other. MOST IMPORTANT.......................DO NOT GET WATER ON THE HEATER. That's the red thing on the stand. Thanks. If a drop gets on it, it's okay, just don't haphazardly sprinkle everywhere, getting it inside, so it doesn't "short."

Make sure you turn the water off on the side of the house again?

Mark, did Publisher's Clearning House drop off my million?

I'm bored. And I'm tired of solitaire. I can't figure out anymore of the crossword. Suduko is too easy. Okay.

HEY KIM, you and Kristen should have each other's number from the bible study. perhaps you can call each other or something.

Love you all.


Anonymous said...

Gloria, if you go to, they have free puzzles and one category called evil. On a given day they might suite your mood. Of course you may already know this. If you need someone to run an errand we can do it too.

we will keep praying. Not in the brain.

Anonymous said...

I KNOW...SASQUATCH!?!?! too funny. i can't take it anymore...i love that the nerds are beating the jocks. the science girl inside me feels proud.

we're just going to be in town for the day on saturday. just feeling the need to be home for the rest of the weekend. let us know if there's anything else you need done at the house. we can stop in if needed.

i love you and pass that on to dad, too.

k2shine said...

Johnny called me they aren't coming in Mike can't help till next weekend with his car.

ahhh call me on that radiation wrong stuff, now I got that sister look on my face. That's my Jimbo they mess or is that missed with.

I cant stand it that you are there by yourself while he is under for the mri.

Ok need to pray some more.

my sister is a child of God. He wraps his loving arms and comforts her.

Anonymous said...

Okay...watering #1 is completed. I did determine which two were the banana and fig, but do you have several lemon plants? I saw one that looked like a lemon plant, and then one that looked like a grapefruit plant but had a label of "limon ponderosa". Then, there was one that looked like an orange plant...good golly, you got a lot going on in "that there" greenhouse!

When should I return to water again?

Horticulturally yours,
Water girl :-)

chrissie k said...

I'm so glad I have sewage all over my basement so I had to call my mom and dad this morning and hear the news. I can't wait to READ about it -- and hear all the details. Sewage in basement = good news and a couple k's too ;) I was so grateful for such happy news!

Unknown said...
