Friday, November 14, 2008



Jim had his bone marrow babopsy (...Greek wedding) It hurt, but wasn't as bad as AGH. For that we are thankful, and that was encouraging to Jim.

Jim's creatinine levels are GOOD TO GO for the trial.

Now the main focus is that the cancer NOT be in his central nervous system. The charge nurse told me that at the meeting last night, the doctor wants these tests STAT because he wants to start the treatment ASAP, if Jim can be in it. So, this is good.

Keep watching for updates.

I read your responses to Jim, and he enjoyed that. I'll read the same ones to him later. He'll enjoy them all over again. Yeah, he's a bit out of it.

I can't access e-mail, so I may respond to some of you guys at the end of my updates, 0kay.

Judy: Jim's ready for tubing, but he says that it's too cold. LOL. He wants to fish, too.

Kim, Jim was reaching out in mid air and saying some garbledy gook stuff, then he woke up and knew he was out of it. He said he was talking to you. He had a sarcastic look on his face.

Rach. I'm sorry to hear about the job thing, and will pray for you for that. What I want to know is, who wrote this book? That's who we need to go after.

Kim: Don't forget Johnny is supposed to come in to pgh to get his car fixed. My plants in the greenhouse need watered. Mark can water them. Or Kristen can if she drives by and she's able.

Kristen: Can you water my plants in the greenhouse is they haven't been watered? Tom can water them on his way home, possibly.

Tom: Can you water my plants in the greenhouse....

ANYONE: Don't Let Jim's figs and lemons die. Jim said, "we have to pick them puppies." Here he is with a dieing with a tumor the size of a grapefruit, and he's worried about food. You gotta love this man.

Seriously. Someone post if the plants have been watered in the greenhouse and whether someone can do it. Wait. I know Tom can't. They're going to the cottage. Okay, it's Mark or Kristen.

Okay, they are changing Jim's room. Sigh. SIGH.



Judy said...

oh...alright....he can fish too

Anonymous said...

I'll stop by and water this often do they need to be watered??

Somewhat Clueless in the World of Green

k2shine said...

Mark will water, clean when kids leave Sun or Mon and has been picking up mail. I will tell Mark to check the greenhouse so plants don't get over watered incase Kristen comes to do it. I'm waiting to hear from Johnny I left them email and gonna call in bit cause I want to know when they want to eat.

You tell Jim he'll have his lemons for Feb's birthday pie.

Rub his head for me!
love to you both

mary jo said...

We're praying and hopeful.MJB and JB