Thursday, November 20, 2008


Hi Everyone:

Well, Jim's still not feeling any better. They are going to up the pain meds. I think he's in more pain, not because this isn't working, but because he was just not simply on enough pain medicine to start with. He had so many fears in regards to his bowels and such, that he never wanted to go up on meds. Now that that fear is a bit gone, he's going up.

Tentative release is Saturday morning. They were actually going to release him Friday, but it would be at 5:30 p.m., and he wouldn't be up for the ride home at that point, so Saturday morn, we will be on our way home.

The docs still feel confident this med will help. But I get the feeling they were hoping that he would have some relief already, yet that is directly opposite what another doctor had said, so...I dont' know. This doctor in charge of the protocol is ruder than the Frenchman. The minute I said I had a few questions, he walked out and informed the fellow, who he was going to make stay to answer my questions, that the clinic needed them asap.

He's not interested in patiences, but in his science. But I just keep reminding myself that the alternatives were, well, nothing. Hospice. So, we're just waiting and hoping at this point, and putting up with rude people.

Today, Jim tried bio feedback to teach Jim how to relax, to get away from the pain. They use all kinds of things here for pain. Lots of accupuncture, guided imagery, and tons of other cultic type of practices. We told her what we do and don't accept in regards to mind games. It was hilarious. This woman is trying to get Jim to relax, but the minute her talk or her suggestions sounded anything like hypnotism or guided imagery or self healing, his numbers would spike and show he wasn't relaxing. The thing that helped was imagining the cottage in the fall with the pretty leaves and riding the golf cart down the road.

I'm pretty prayed out. Has anyone ever been prayed out about an issue? Perhaps I'm just tired and living out of a suitcase for too long, eating cereal for dinner too much. I don't know. I just don't feel like I can pray anymore. Well, I haven't been praying much here anyways. I need familiarity. I can't seem to read God's word or my books or do anything, really, outside of my home and things I'm familiar with. So, thanks for your prayers for Jim.

Anyways, that's today's news. Larry isn't back yet, so I have nothing to share of his antics. We've just been enjoying the private room.

Today in craft class, I decorated a clipboard for my kitchen, and I brought Jim a glass sun thing, to stain, so he's doing something different too.

K, folks. Talk to you and see you soon.

Love us


k2shine said...

Hello you crafty two. Yeah coming home for Sat. Might have to have Mark shovel for ya. He's cleaning the house now before snowfall.

We are praying here and I'm glad you have this blog cause I would be saying the same thing over and over. Do you think God can get ear deaf. Oh there goes that Kim saying same thing so everyday I can switch it up. After all I was raised Catholic I'm learning.

I want a suncatcher thingie.
I'll make Mark a t-shirt that says
Dolly and Jim went to MD, all I got was this lousy tshirt. LOL oh btw Sister got him his christmas tshirt for after thanksgiving meal. You gonna like it.

I want you to call me when you get on the road Saturday. I will go pick up basic's Milk,bread,fruit,fresh lunchmeat,what else you want me to get? leave me a message here.

Ok chili needs turned off so I can freeze it up.

Waving goodnite to the 2 of ya.
I Love You

Unknown said...

Hi Sister: I'll call you when I'm on the road. I really can't think right now. I'm going to post, but they block me from getting in unless, I post here and get in sideways. I'm such computer wiz.