Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A reprieve

Well, Larry's gone for the night. Because he's not on chemo yet, he went home for the night. Wow, it's nice and quiet. No phone. No same old, same old.

Jim's pain is a teeny tiny bit better. He just received 2 units of blood. He needed it badly. His red blood count was down real low. They let it get real low here. They go through a lot of blood in this place. We're worried that our insurance won't give us the shots and care that we need when we get home because Jim is under a protocol that is "experimental. " So, there is something else to pray for.

Some have asked if you can call Jim. Yes. The number is 301-451-2986. So, give him a call if you like, but don't expect much gabbing. Just a "hi" would suffice.

Now, KIM, not only did you say trail, instead of trial, but I don't know what the heck you were talking about in response to my blog. Jim had that perplexed look on his face as we read it. Before I continue mocking my sister, first let me say that I do not proof read or fixs errors when I'm blogging. I'm too busy. I know I have typos and such, but I have to be expedient.

I didn't know if I would be able to post on the blog while here, so I had asked Judy if she would do it for me. My sister was a bit put out. Why wouldn't I let her do it????????? Well, read her response to my post 2 days ago...Here are two funny examples of why she's NOT my transcriptionist. My dad uses an inhaler, Albuterol. He also takes Allopurinol. She pronounces them both the same.

My favorate band is "Sons of Korah." She likes this one song, and asks, "Hey Dolly, play that one song from the Koran." So, if you thought my story was funny, imagine if it had been dictated to sister and then she typed it here.

Well, Believe it or not, I miss Larry. Jim's just too quiet, and I have no one to mimic. But maybe he'll be involved in something interesting while gone, and we'll get to hear about it 137 times tomorrow.

Well, the nurse is changing Jim's ucn-01 now. The drug isn't even named yet. He begins day 3, and then it's a few days of monitoring, and then it's home sweet home, we hope. We've been gone 10 days already (I think) and I feel like a gypsy.

Love US


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you get to blog yourself. In the beginning of this stay you stated that you would be updating only important info. If you had had someone else blog for you I'm sure we would not have had the pleasure of hearing about the endearing black man, or the naked french man, or crazy Larry! Excuse me, I mean talkative Larry. At least not in those words. I was rolling with laughter.

I am praying for you guys diligently. I so hope this works, as I'm sure you do. I love you both. Be at Peace. Rest in the Lord and trust in Him.

Unknown said...

Thanks Judi: Set to come home Saturday.

Rachel said...

Hello dear friend, I have a question for you. Gary and I are mailing out our support letters tomorrow. I "excluded" you and Jim from the list but then feel so sad because I want to share this stage of our ministry with you. I would really like to send you and Jim one but it seems so tackey right now. But if you know my heart, that I only want to share what we are doing, and that we're not asking you to focus on prayer for our missions outreach or giving or anything, then maybe I can be free to send you one. It just feels so odd to exclude you.
I love you. Let me know what you would like me to do.