Friday, November 7, 2008

I called the Rich-doctor, he told me what to do.nananan

I called Jim's Doctor, and he thinks that we should definately go for the trial. Jim still hasn't made a decision yet. We haven't even had time to pray about it. I'll do whatever he wants to do though.

As I have walked through the past 8 years of trials to this place where I am today, the things of this world have lost their grasp on me. I don't want to say that "I don't care" about things because I do care, but the things I care about are different.

A year ago, I would have had the suitcases packed, called Bob and Shelley, started counting meds, purchased a bed for the back of the van, etc., and that would have been done in 1/2 day. Now, well, I'm waiting. I'm really waiting. I haven't even prayed about it yet. I'm sick and on antibiotic and need to recover myself before I tackle something else. If we're meant to be at the trial on November 19th, we'll be there. If not, and the Lord heals Jim without it, then he'll be healed. If not, and Jim gets worse and can't make the trip and the Lord doesn't heal him, then Jim's going home, and that's that.

It's amazing how fear takes flight when I'm not counting on the things of this world for ...well, anything. For 20 years the Lord has told me "just be" "just be" "just be" all through my journey. I'm finally starting to listen and it's very freeing.

November 19th is 2 weeks away. If Jim says yes, and can make the trip, we'll go. If he gets sicker and can't go, or just doesn't want to, we won't. That's about all I can say today because I'm sick and I'm going to go lay down.



Anonymous said...

He said, "Oooh, eee, ooh, ah-ah,ding-dang, walla-walla bing bang" (or something like that).

Still praying for the big decision...glad you keep a sense of humor in all this.


Anonymous said...

Ewwww EEEE ewwww ah ah, ching chang, walla walla bing bang.

I would die without my humor


I'm glad you picked up on. Many probably did not. Kindred spirits.


Rachel said...

Hi Dolly,
Loved your song. I started singing right away! NOW I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY MIND! UGH!

We're praying.

love you

k2shine said...

i would now like to take this time to thank you both for STICKING THAT SONG IN MY BRAIN for the rest of the nite. picked up on what? I'm still stuck on the koolaid thing. Maybe if I sing oranges smorange who cares....

Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

You are too funny. I got it immediately - I think I'm just in the right age bracket - and maybe a kindred spirit too.

We will pray tonight that God makes it crystal clear and that Jim's will to fight on remains strong.


Anonymous said...

In Philly, we sang it slightly different...eww-eee, eww-ah-ah, ting-tang, walla-walla bing-bang;
eww-eee, eww-ah-ah, ting-tang, walla-walla bing-bang! The faster you sing it the better. You "ching" and I "ting" and with the others, dinging and danging...God is sure to hear us!! Come on everyone...lift your voices up to the God of the universe who has all of this in His mighty hands.
You are loved, Kim

Anonymous said...

Well, my song may have been correct (as my memory serves me) but my theology sure ain't. God sure doesn't need a bunch of people standing on tippy-toe,singing a song really loud for Him to hear. He is the God who created ears and lips and funny songs that come out of creatures mouths....

He hears you, He sees you, He surrounds you, He cries with you (I have no doubt that He is the wind in you to sing in any given moment through this....) He knows every hair (count) on your head and every hair Jim has lost, and He knows every day He has appointed to each of us here on earth...all the days ordained for us were numbered in His Book before one of them came into being....and we the created stand with you in petition for healing, for comfort, for wisdom and all that you need in a day - because our God is able to supply your every need in Christ Jesus, and we cannot. Hope today is a sweet day for you and your Jim. Love-Kim

Anonymous said...

We are ready for your arrival and everything that entails. Do not hesitate to get down here. Oh and happy trails. Our little boys are squirming at the news that you will come. A decision not to do this, they are thinking would be dumb. We love you Jim and Dolly, you don't have to wait 2 weeks, we think God has spoken, don't wait till YOU think he speaks.

Anonymous said...

Oh, all this singing, all this "praising" all the prayers, all the wishes, all the laughters, all the tears, all the wisdom, all at the same time. We are wonderfully made, are we not? Thank you guys.

Bob, Nov. 19th is the appts. that they gave us. Their only opening was mid, december, but they are seeing us on a day that they don't see new patients. When she calls on Monday, I'm going to see if they will take him even sooner, because his pain keeps getting worse. So...we'll be in touch

Gloria (Dolly) (Dave's bride)

Anonymous said...

I say wooo-weeee!!!! But who am I? I love you guys. I will be praying the right decisions are made. I hope you get better Aunt Dolly and of course Uncle Jim. Be at Peace.