Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trend far

Well, today was Jim's last radiation. He took his 60 of oxy and had to take 2 breakthru pain meds to even be able to lay on the table and he said it was the worse, so....

BUT, WE CAME HOME, AND HE DID NOT THROW UP. I am excited by this. For both of us. Trust me. :)

Anyways, I might actually run to Sams Club while Jim takes a nap. Maybe...I would call you Kim, but you are at work. :) I'll be real quick about it.

We have a doc appt. tomorrow, and I have to call NCI to see if they got the slides. Almost afraid to call because I don't want to hear that they don't, which is what I believe I will hear.


Anonymous said...

The cool thing about empty nesting is that if I have to leave work for an appointment or to help a friend...I can work late :) And then there are vacation hours.
I never go away anywhere so I use my hours to do things just like this :)
You never know unless you ask...
Just like when you called and inquired of The Cancer Institute and got some good news!
Standing with you in prayer, Kim

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kim. I'll remember that empty nest thing.