Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hi Everyone:

Thanks for your nice e-mails and compliments on our picture. Today I was just saying, I looked like I have aged 20 years. My sister agrees. It's okay. It's the truth. So, it might look cute, but when you enlarge it, you see the both of us.

Jim's Day:

Jim had to take some break thru pain medicine today and is moaning a bit more, which tells me it might be time to increase the pain medicine. He is very reluctant to want to do that because his bowels are so messed up already, and more pain meds, further complicate things. I know though that eventually he will have to....if God doesn't heal him. Do I have to include that everytime I write something? I write that more for you readers, so you know that I haven't given up on God showing up, not totally anyway...So, Jim is in more pain today. Seems like all the bowel meds do is cause him more pain, with gas and such. He ate a nice lunch. I hope he keeps it down. So, for today, I guess Jim is fair.

Dolly's day:

Anyway, Jim's looking sicker than he has ever since this has started, and I am as well. I never thought I looked particularly young and springy. But this is definately taking a toll on me, both physically and emotionally. My face is downcast, along with my heart and my countenance looks defeated, despite the small glimmer of hope that I have. I'm tired. I'm always on the brink of tears. I'm on the edge, as far as nerves go. And I'm gaining weight, because there is no "normal" with eating anymore.


Well, when the chaos of a sick day ends, we usually end up in bed early, reading, doing the crossword puzzle, crying, or hoping something goodf is on CTV...which there usually isn't. We end up listening to the bible on CD or another type of teaching or something. Tonight we will listen to one his brother Billy brought over today.

We are really feeling the love that all of you have for us, whether it's through phone calls, cards, CD's, help with grass, trash, phones, and other things. We want you to know that. I think we would really feel bad if we didn't have you. So, thanks for loving us. We desperately need it, because it's God's love that is pouring out on us through you, and we need to feel that in absense of God healing Jim...otherwise, we might feel...OH SHOOT...FEEL FEEL FEEL. What??? I might not feel that God didn't love me? LIKE WHO HAS NEVER FELT THAT ONE??? Well, I've felt that lie before, hundreds of time. So, who cares about that. I'll give a dollar to anyone who is interested in going through this whole blog since March and counts the number of times I've used the word "feel". FEEL SCHMEEL. I'm sick of feeling. lol. But thanks for doing what God calls us to do for each other when they are down and out, which we are right now.

Love us


Rachel said...

Dearest Friend,
I agree, I see the pain in your eyes as I printed the picture out. But I see Jesus in your face as well. You may not "feel" him and you may not see him when you look in the mirror. But I see him in you. I haven't seen many pictures of you throughout the years. Most of the pictures you have sent have been of your niec or of your gardens. I haven't really seen you close up since we left Pennsylvania 11 years ago! And I will testify to this my beloved friend, I see Jesus in your eyes and face in a way that I did not see him eleven years ago. You may have aged throughout this hellish season of your life, and rightly so, but I see the presence of God in that age whether you feel him or are able to see it or not.
I would not say this if it weren't true.

I love you!

Unknown said...

Thanks my friend. Thanks a lot for those words. They mean a lot to me. I cried after I read them because if nothing else, I want people to see Jesus rather than me. And sometimes, I don't think that's what people can see, I'm such a strong personality.

I love you