Friday, October 10, 2008

Date night

Hi Everyone:

Today was another busy day of finding the right mix of medicine and everything else.

It was another day filled with many many blessings, and many many struggles.

  • We were blessed with 2 dinners, one that we shared with Bob and Ruth (Ruth cooked, of course and it was delicious) and
  • one that Nancy and Phil brought over for tomorrow night. And that really blessed us.
  • And there was vomiting,
  • enemas,
  • and paying for the burial plot talk.

And there was tons of prayers. Every day, there are tons of prayers. Jim's in a bit more pain, and is about numb everywhere. His feet are sometimes blue and sometimes white. They are always cold. But, I'm going to go now and crawl in bed and warm them up.

It was a beautiful day in Pittsburgh. Normally we would have been on the way up to the cottage. The leaves on the drive up would have been out of this world. We would have been "ewwing" and awwing" all the way up there. We would have went to the Tall Oaks Festival and took a golf cart drive down the logging road. Jim would have picked me a wild flower or two, and we would have went for a hike. We may have even thrown a line in for that last bass of the year. But not this year. And you know what. If I had to spend the rest of my days doing sick with my Jimmy, I would say yes to it in a heartbeat if it meant I would have him forever.

While talking at dinner with Bob and Ruth, we laughed and such, and talked about her own illness. I told her, don't do anything. Be buried, rather than bury. Go first, Ruth. Go first. If you love you husband as much as I do mine, and if he's as good to you as my Jumbo is to me, and you can go first. GO FIRST. BE BURIED. Eat hydrogenated fat. Stop taking your meds. :0 We laughed, but I meant it. To die is gain for me, once my Jumbo is gone. But hopefully God will heal him. And if He does or doesn't, I'll live for Jesus until it's my time. But I would much rather be buried than bury. I'm tired of life. It's never been much fun for me. BUT there is that talk of the beautiful trees and rides in our senior citizen quad (golf cart), and fishing with my Jumbo. I thank God for that.

Okay, I'm rambling. I gotta go warm up someone's toes.

We love you all



Anonymous said...

hey, i love you. dad...i'm runnin 26.2 miles for you on, thanks for all those tomaters. that was huge. i sent out a guilt email the other day and the funds went way up. hope to see you both soon...i'll call to let you know how the race went.

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Jim and Aunt Dolly,

I saw enema in there! I hope it helped.
I know this is the worst thing ever. I can't pretend to know what you are going through. I wish there was a way to make it go away. Sometimes when this whole thing becomes unbearable and you feel like the Lord has forsaken you, HE HAS NOT! That is a lie from the enemy. Just rebuke that thought and move on. If you need to do that many times a day that's okay. I just want you to know I'm here and I'm praying. I love you both. Be at peace.

2 Corinthians 1:3
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort."

Unknown said...

Hi Leah Joy:

I prayed for you today and called John. Haven't heard from you guys yet. Hope you are okay and were hydrated. Hope Jess and your Dad are all okay, too. Your team raised almost 9 K for wells in Zambia. Way to go.

We are proud of you.

Judy and I went to the tomatoe stand early this evening to get the last of the tomato money out. :)

We love you
Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

Hey Judi:

Thanks for your prayers and such. I love your faith for such a young lady. What wonderful things you'll give to your girls as you grow in the Lord. We're telling you know who to go straight back to hell where he belongs, every chance we get.

Love Aunt Dolly