Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We're off

Okay all you prayer warriors. Get out your bibles and use God's own Words to Pray for Jim.

If it's not His will to heal Jim, get him to change his mind, like Moses did, when he reminded God of his covenant and Abraham and Issac and Jacob.

Just like King Hezekiah did in the book of Isaiah when king of Assyria sent Rabshakeh to King Hezekiah with his large army, and they mocked him, his army and the mocked God saying that God could not deliver them. (Isaiah 36)

In Isaiah 37 (I love this) Hezekiah, covers himself with sackcloth and enters the house of the Lord and a bunch goes on, but he takes a letter from the Lord and spreads it out before the LORD basically saying, "Oh Lord, God of Isrial, you are God alone and he praises Him, and asks Him to hear him. He then takes God's own word about what God has spoken against the King of Assyria and prays to God.

So, let's all remind God what his words says about the defeating the enemy, battling fear, long life, etc.

Deut. 6: 1-2- fear the lord = long life
1 King 3:14 = long life
Psalm 91:16 = long life
Psalm 119:40 = long life
Proverbs 3:16 = long life
Proverbs 28:16 = long life
Proverbs 13:12 = long life

Sense a theme that I want Jim to live?

Well, time to get ready.

Pray that God would give us a mind. Can you believe we don't have 1 question written down? Oh my

Love us

1 comment:

nvsickel said...

Gloria, we will be praying all the time. We love you