Sunday, August 17, 2008

chemo number 4

Hi everyone:

Well, Jim is in the hopt. receiving his 4th chemo treatment. And it starts all over again. Please pray for him. His blood doesn't bounce back like it did. It gets harder with each treatment. He will get a PET scan after this treatment to see how it's going. Pray against the radiation from all the scans he's had. I bet he's had at least 12 in the last year.

Pray for me, too. I'm angry. And I'm tired. I'm very tired. Today, I refused to allow the weed eater to win a battle. It took me an hour to learn how to finally get the string on. I must have had to start it...of forget it, it's a long story, but I got done, and I finished it before I ran out of gas. I hadn't done it all summer, and it was bad, so, I'm glad I got it done. But before I could finish, I had to find the weed eater string cause it ran out. So that meant cleaning out THE ENTIRE SHED....AGAIN because it looked like a bomb went off in it. I visited Jim, and then I went and worked until 3:00. Then I came all the way home to find out that I left my house keys at my sister's house, cause she's using the truck, and they were on the same ring as the truck keys. So, now it's 4 a.m, and I've been working since 8 a.m, and tomorrow will just be another variation of today.

And to add insult to injury, I found my first age spot on my hand. Just wonderful.


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