Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nice day through the pain

Hi Y'all:

Today Jim and I went to the doc's office, again, to get his Neupogin (sp) shot. Afterwards, we went to North Park and sat at Marshall's Island and saw a few catbirds, and a Baltimore Oriole, and Cedar Waxwings and a bunch of other birds munching on the mulberries.

We saw some ducks a turtle and a few fish jump, too. We got some seeds for an American Redbud tree that I'll start in my greenhouse, and just had a nice hour of enjoying God's nature.

Jim sure loved that, and needed that, too.

He's in lots of pain though.



Rachel said...

Your day at North Park sounds so refreshing despite the pain. I know nothing can be normal right now but thankfully you could have a time of being outside together and enjoying the beauty of nature.

We saw a turtle at the sculpture park (right by our house) last week. It was about ten inches long. I picked it up and showed the kids the underside and so forth. It was SO cute. I wanted to take it home but Gary controled me! :-)

What do the doctors say about Jim's pain or won't they say anything until he has more testing? I like Dad's doctor a lot. They have been going to him for about eight years now so they have trust developed on both sides. He will tell them what he thinks about a situation and then order tests to verify his thoughts. Most doctors won't say a word until a test proves it and in the mean time you feel helpless and in a dark hole of uncertainties.

In any case, we love you.


Unknown said...

Well, good thing it wasn't a snapper. I did that once when I was little and almost lost my finger.

Rachel said...

Gary kept warning me about the snapping and losing a finger aspect! I didn't realize how legitament his warnings were. I suppose I should tell the kids your experience because I probably made them think it wasn't a big deal to pick it up! UGH!

love you!


Rachel said...

PS. (Sorry I keep blogging to you!)

I also saw an owl for the first time a couple of weeks ago! After all my years camping in the Allegheny National Forest I never saw an owl until a few weeks ago in our back yard pine trees! What alerted me were the many mother birds that were squawking and flipping out. Usually when I hear that sound I go outside to find Sweet Pea (our cat) up to no good. This time Sweet Pea was innocent but there was some ruckus in the tree. So I stared up and saw a clump and suddenly his head did a 180 and there right above me was a big owl looking down! How awesome! I started yelling at the kids to come see and I scared it away! Nathaniel was so disappointed that he didn't see it when he is the bird watcher in the family.

Well, anyway enough of this chit chat. I miss you! and love you!
