Friday, June 27, 2008

5 shots in 5 days

Well, Jim had his last neupagin (sp) for his low white blood count. He had to get one every day this week. So, we're glad that's over.

Next week on Wednesday, it's back to the hospital for round 2 of ESHAP...shadrack and abendigo...I don't know why I think of that when I say ESHAP, but oh well, I'm weird. If you don't know what I'm talking about, well, then it's time to get your buns into the word.

Jim is still having lots of nausea. He still feels some weird pain feelings in his belly and back. We don't know what is going on.

I'm actually getting better at this. Yesterday I didn't cry at all, so far today, just once....but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking more about this new life.

I used to wonder how people with severly handicapped children did it, something like a trip to the store would involved babysitters or special vehicles. How did paraplegics do it? I couldn't imagine. Well, I can imagine a little bit better now. You grieve the old life as you do the new life, and before you know it, the new life is the old life and the only life, and you just do it.

But don't look back too often, or you'll yearn.

Love to all my readers
Love to my God and my King, my Lord and my Glory

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