Monday, June 30, 2008

More Pain

Hi family and friends:

Jim has had to up his pain meds again. We have an appt. on Wed. with the doctor, and then after that, he is to go into the hopt. for his second 5-day-dose of chemo. I'm not sure if they will do it or not, as it seems that this chemo is not working either. When we ran into the doc, he was eager to know if Jim's pain had gone away, leading us to believe that it should have. That his pain has increased, we can figure this is no good. But again, we ask you to pray. Don't know what else to ask you to do that is more important, soooo....

I guess the one good thing to think about is that his fever hasn't come

all right.


1 comment:

Mary said...

Man, I just left a really long comment and it got hosed.

Well, I love you and I'm praying for you and I think yinz are amazing.

I had so much more to say... but its late.

Praying for you!

Love ya,
