Saturday, March 15, 2008


Jim cried yesterday for himself. It was only for a few minutes, but it was very sad. Wow, has God blessed Jim. And me, too. For 9 months this husband of mine has been in pain. In the past 3 months, he's been in the hospital 5 times for over 50 days. He must have had over 200 needles, IV, blood test, etc. pricks. He can't read for many reasons. He watches little TV, for many reasons. He is saddened that he can't cook for his men's breakfast this year like he wanted. He misses his men's group on Sunday and Wednesdays. He hasn't been able to get to church. He misses talking to the guys. He's been nauseous every day for months. His hair is gone. His strength is gone. He hasn't been to work for months, and disability ends soon. He wonders if his employer will even want him back, or at the very least will he still be valuable to them. And this was his first tear of self pity? Wow. What an example to me, gulp. It's not because he doesn't allow himself to feel his feelings. He just chooses which ones are good for him and which ones aren't. How caring of God to take the discipline he developed in Jim's character early in the year on a whole different issue, and enable Jim to make mature choices on other pressing things in his life.

And yet in a weak moment, Jim hurt. And in true Jim style, one of the things that made him the saddest was that he wasn't strong enough to do things for me or with me.

My husband humbles me.

PS Don't worry Jumbo-baby, you'll have ample opportunity when you're well. I'm making a longggggggg list. ;) When this is over, you'll owe me big. BIG!!!


k2shine said...

Is this where I tell you that I thanked God in tears for yesterday's dinner with you. That for that 45 minutes you were able to stay with us. That Mark must of said 1,000 times afterwards till we went to bed. "Wow Jim did good". Yesterday was a great day,with you guys. You needed to cry, we needed you to feel better, and Sister needed to be beaten by the game Canteen. I love you both.

Unknown said...

CANTEEN??? CANTEEN???? Sister, want to play a word game? LOL.

For those wondering, they beat me at Settlers of CATAN.

K, mum

John Baldauff said...

Nun beat you at Settlers? Ha!

Anonymous said...

Jim & Gloria,

Thanks for sharing your needs with us. It was good seeing you both in church yesterday. Keep remembering that Jesus, the King, is King over all. And as our King, He "Preserves andd suppots them in all their temptations and sufferings, Restrains and overcomes all their enemies. Powerfully oders everything for His own glory and their well-being." Don't ever forget that the "them" and the "their" that this is talking about is Gloria and Jim.

