Monday, March 17, 2008

CT Scan

Jim had a CT Scan today. This will tell us how well his first 2 chemo treatments went. The Doc said the results of this CT scan can tell us a lot about Jim's prognosis, so we sit and wait until next Monday when the Doc tells us if the Lymph Nodes shrunk. We were scared yesterday about this, but we're okay today.

We think it's going well because Jim was actually able to lay on the CT table without pain and without a shot of dilauded, something that he has not been able to do for months.

And we went to church yesterday and he did fairly well there, too. BTW. We love you North Park Church. Oh, I have to have a whole separate post on our brothers and sisters at NPC. You amaze us!!! And we're not easily amazed.

J & G

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

UJ, Been praying for you today. I'd really like to see you soon!