Friday, January 20, 2012

update 2012

Hey, I becha thought we were dead, those of you who read and don't call.  But we aren't.  We are alive and doing well...sometimes well and sometimes not so well.  I know I said I would update every month, but things got hard and I've been struggling with depression.  However, things are better for me.  I have installed a ceiling fan, a utility tub in the basement, worked on the rock wall and am laying flooring in the attic, and I'm finding a nice balance in life.  Bible study has been going awesome, and for the first time since I've started 3 years ago, I would call myself a teacher, rather than a leader.  God has been so gracious to me and I have learned so much about Him through my study.  I remember watching the movie Yentl years ago and I've hungered to be able to do nothing but study God's word.  Well, in a way, that's kind of the position I am in now.  I take care of Jim, the house and study God's word and thing about God's Kingdom, here and there.  When I get puffed up and prideful, He gently puts me in my place, and when I"m feeling totally useless, like what's the point, He gently lifts me up.  I actually will write a little about Christmas and such with some pics in the next week, but for now, let's get to the main point.  Jim.

So here's the update on Jim.  Okay, juicing was no miracle cure.  He lost 30 or so pounds, but nothing happened that was especially healing that would make the insanity of juicing and eating raw a way of life.  Now, we just juiced for 3 days, for health reasons, but as a way of life with raw, it just doesn't work on many many fronts.  But had it changed something for Jim, we would have done it.

One thing I will add about that, if there is that my joints felt so good doing without all that sugar.  So I am definately trying to minimize my sugar. 

Wonderful new is that Jim's kidney numbers, for whatever, went down.  And we are very thankful for that.  Jim was operating at about 50 percent kidney level, but it's a bit better now.  His water in his legs is better, too.  I think both of those things coincideded with him going off the methadone and going back on oxycontin.  The pain level is about the same, but this medicine is better for him.  The NIH isn't buying, but who cares.  Speaking of the NIH, we go there next week for a PET scan and for a lung test.  Jim still gets nervous about the PET scan, but really, the cancer is gone, Praise God.  We would know if it's back.  The lung issues, well, he's doing pretty good there, too.

Drum roll.  Now, I hate to get too excited and think, "Maybe this wil be the change that we've been waiting for," but I sometimes can't help myself.  Maybe this will be the change that will benefit us.  Jim and I both went for a sleep study.  It's been a while  My numbers changed a bit, but Jim's was amazing.  My sleep apnea is obstructive, and that's what Jim was diagnosed with, too.  His numbers were 9/5.   Or so we thought.   I know that doesn't mean anything to you if you don't have apnea, but just stay with me. Jim had his oxygen numbers tested recently, and at night he was at about 80 %.  Not good.   It turns out that Jim has central apnea.  Central apnea is caused from nerve damage to the brain from the spine (which Jim has.)  It can also be caused if someone is on strong pain meds, (which Jim is.)  What it means is that Jim's brain mechanism that tells him to breathe just doesn't work.  It operates through the nervous system in the spinal column and since Jim'as is all messed up, well....Not only does he have central apnea, but his numbers jumped from 9/5 to 22/18.  More than double.  The machine pumps air so strong, that he has to go to a full face mask.  That is a really tough thing.  Full face masks are a mess.  But let me continue.  As Jim was being tested, they had to keep titrating him up up up.  Finally nurse had to come in and give him the full face mask because of the pressure levels.  Finally at about 3:00, Jim was finally getting some real sleep, some REM sleep.  They wake you up at 5:00 and we went home.  The sleep therapist said that Jim probably hasn't had real sleep for years.  That amazing thing is that Jim felt good enough to drive home.  Jim stayed up all day long.  Jim went to 2 stores.  Jim felt awesome.  He still has pain, yes, but he didn't feel like death and pain.  So, we are afraid to hope, but hope, we must.

I think all in all, it's pretty good news.  I really do.  I just pray that he's able to handle the new mask.

Well, I hope you all have a great and happy new year.  We are.

Love us


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you guys. May the God of heaven bless you both.

"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD."
- Lamentations 3:21-26

Anonymous said...


Life is good. Seize it as you are.

In Nov/Dec I did some promo work for a current trial re sleep apnea (apnoea) - OSA - Obstructive Sleep Apnea .... it is the Apnex Hypoglossal Nerve Stimilation System HGNS ....... ask about it, phone 1-888-975-3370 or look at :

Gloria & Jim - run like an emu and sleep like a lamb.


Judy said...

Thanks for the update!!!

We are praying, and never ceasing,
Judy and Tom

Susan said...

I am way behind on reading friends' blogs, but so glad I checked in today! Encouraging news all around!

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but you do know my daughter, Stephanie, one of your nurses at NIH. I am happy that you are finding comfort in your faith. He DOES take care of us always. I read that you have an appointment at NIH soon. I'm sure Steph would love to see the two of you. If you have the energy, time and desire, she is still working on the same unit. Take care and God bless. Connie Wildridge

Kelly said...


Mary said...


I can relate - I also have sleep apnea. And I have to wear the full face mask because I'm a mouth breather.

I got used to the mask REAL quick because without, I am a zombie. I'm afraid to leave home without it because I NEVER want to go back to that state again.

Just today I read one of the top 10 BRAIN DAMAGING HABITS is:
#6) Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

I know this first hand because I have to think a lot for my job and sometimes I would just sit and stare at the computer screen.

Right now I have a bad cold and I went without it for a few days and man what a difference!

I don't understand those numbers you posted but it sounds like it was bad and now its going to be BETTER!

Praising God with you for a break!

Love you very much!

PS: My spidey senses tell me that some1's b'day is coming up soon!

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone for your feedback and connecting. Steph's mom, I would love to e-mail you or talk. Your daughter is AWESOME, as you know, of course. I read your message late, and we weren't able to connect.

Mary, yes sleep deprivation has slowed down the brain cells. That and a few other things. sigh...

Gaz, I'll check it out. Nice talking to you from the land down under. (can you believe this hooligan calls us from Australia?) What's the cost a minute?