Sunday, July 17, 2011

Portable bathtub question---juicing

Hey anonymous, what portable are you referring to?  I have looked on the web, and there are several.  One is 300.00 (not cheap in my books) and it's not deep enough.  Could you please post a website or something.  Thanks.  I don't have much patience for searching the web for hours, so perhaps you can spare me from that.

Okay.  Here's another question that I'm looking for advice on.  We watched a program on Netflix last night called, Fat, Sick...I can't remember the whole name, but a man from Australia (you ought to like that Gazza) does nothing but juicing for 2 months.  The premise for this is to reset his whole system and clean up cells.  Jim is thinking about doing this.  So, I wonder if anyone out there has any knowledge on anything like this?  We would do it following with his doctor, of course.  Also, does anyone have a good...GOOD juicer that we can borrow for a few months. 

We're just wondering.  I probably would do it with him for 10 days, too.

Thanks for your input.


Anonymous said...

Juicing for 2 months ....... don't take any notice of Aussie nutters !!!

Use paw paw cream (or ointment) on any skin rash.

Thanks Sis for looking after Dolly's respite weekends ---- you're The Best !

I did leave a phone message Sat nite your time ... J&G ..... regret that friends (a couple) were in a car crash down an embankment last Thursday nite .... I had urgent matters elsewhere. Both home from hosp.

Gazza Bluegum

Unknown said...

Hi Gazza:

Sorry, I missed your australian accent over the phone. Sorry about your friends. I see you were off helping again. I hope all is well with them.

Now, gazzabluegum...hmmmm
now what surprises do you have up your sleeve.

Kelly said...

No juicer... but we do have a nice soaker tub that has jets and a heated backrest... that has NEVER been used. If you'd ever want to drive over for lunch/dinner/whatever and let Jim soak for as long as he wants, and you can take a nap in the guest room or sit and read or go down to the pool... the offer is open.

Anonymous said...

Or even spend the night so he could soak 2 days in a row...